Painful Love

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"Cunsuke!" Gray yelled while you stood in shock.

"That is..... Oh that Mother..." You whispered angered.

"Master I have failed... Please forgive me.. " Natsu said jumping beside him.

"Kirito stop this what do you want? Also blond is doing you no good. " You said with a straight face and arms crossed.

"Is that any way to talk to your future husband hmmmm?" Kirito said ignoring your comment. "Especially if I have this boyfriend of... " He was interrupted by you punching him in the face.

"Oh sorry honey I seemed to have slipped." You said sarcastically but then he turned to static but then back to his regular self. "Also why do you want me you had your chance unlike you that Pinkette is caring."

"Oh its simple darling... I want you every last part.. I diddnt notice because you were the ugliest girl there you diddnt even wear dresses!" He said which made your blood boil.

"Don't waste your energy on this hologram... But blond is not his color at all....... Focus!" You said in your mind losing focus.

"Ugh those hoodies of yours but now you've matured into a fine specimen... " Kirito said "Also darling it's Cunsuke now."

"You wimp hiding behind a hologram and making others fight!" You said looking at Gray holding a struggling Natsu.

"Y/N! What do you want to do with Natsu? I can fight this flamethrower if you want it'll be my pleasure." Gray said smirking a tiny bit while getting his ice maker magic's hammer.

"No I'll fight him... We can't fight Kirito or "Cunsuke" so I'll do it you take everyone and leave." You said clenching your fists looking at Cunsuke then Gray.

"Very well I will be with the pinky. For now..." He said snapping his fingers transporting to an empty valley.

"Y/N!" Everybody yelled as the citizens just stood confused as you disappeared with Cunsuke and Natsu. You also heard a few including an certain crying exceed calling out Natsu's name also.

"You win... I'll let you go and I won't be around for a bit think of it as an vacation and I'll give you back that idiot... Of course if my minion here wins you shall be my.." He diddnt get to finish because you started to talk.

"Fine I accept one question though... If you can control people like you did with Natsu why don't you just control me? Also he may be an idiot but he's a lot better than you. " You said skipping around bored with a smirk on your face.

"Simple.. The deal I made says I can't control anyone I've known in the past that I loved. You know romantic stuff." He said trying to swoon you like an idiot to cover up you interrupting him as you rolled your eyes.

"Yep this is Kirito an idiot trying to change things like they never happened. Man I was an idiot heh but I know he's not lying... My gut says so it's usually right. Thanks gut I'm talking to you if you were a human." You said trying to distract yourself from the fact you were about to fight Natsu.

"Sigh.. Ok let's start the fight!" You said spreading out the water wings you just made and also ripping some of your kimmono so you could move.

---Natsu's pov---

"Let me out of here so I can kick your sorry.... Ugh.." Natsu yelled in a cell while punching it but getting shocked.

"I've told you keep it quiet!" Cunsuke said hitting Natsu's cell.

"No! Your the one who made Y/N cry before! I will get out! Roar of the Fire Dragon!" Natsu yelled attacking the cage but got shocked.

"You don't listen do you?" He said grunting then walked away.

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