It Comes It Goes

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---This will be The others povs for the years you went missing aka kidnapped it's to lighten the mood a little more serious next chapter---

"Natsu... I know you wanna find her I do too but.. You gotta sleep." Lucy said worriedly.

"I can't Luce. What if she's getting tortured! Or killed!" Natsu said thinking of all the things that could be happening to Y/N.

"That's not likely it's Cunsuke he wanted to marry her... But she is still kidnapped." Levy said looking through books to see if she can find clues.

"Shrimp here is right you know? But we can't give up. You find any clues?" Gajeel said looking at Levy's book.

"None." Gray answered coming in. "I just went on a job looking for her. Now Laxus and the Rajinshu are searching. I wanna go back out but I still have to watch Juvia."

"She's doing fine Wendy just told us. She should have her baby at anytime now. You should stay we can cover up for you you know?" Lucy said.

"I know... But I can't I still have to look for Y/N. I'll stay. But I can only stay for four days." Gray said running his hand through his hair.

"Of course your staying Juvia is more important to you than Y/N." Natsu mumble yelled.

"What did you just say Flameo?" Gray said angered.

"I said. You care more bout Juvia than Y/N! I'm the only one who cares about her!" Natsu yelled.

"No your not Natsu! We all care about Y/N! But we still gotta care about other people too! I'm her childhood friend for Petes sake!" Lucy yelled with tears in her eyes.

"WELL NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ALRIGHT! YOU ALL.... " Natsu was about to finish his sentence until Laxus stopped him.

"Cut it out Natsu your not helping thus situation in any way. Look what your doing to your own Nakama." Laxus said to Natsu sternly.

It was true he was going crazy searching for Y/N Yes for a good cause. But he never stopped not even to sleep he diddnt even realize that. Now he did.

"I'm...  I'm..  Sorry..... " Natsu said to everyone.

" Sigh...  It's Ok Flame brain...  We all miss her. But even me her brother needs to take a break it's what she would have wanted." Gray said sadly.

"Natsu you need to take a nap. No go to be this instant look at you! If you found Y/N in this state how would she feel!" Erza said coming into the conversation.

"Alright..  I'll go to bed... " Natsu said yawning but then passing out on the floor as everyone facepalmed.

---Time skip few JUVIA'S PREGNACY (That sounds like a cheesy Romance movie but oh well!) ---

"CRAP. SHE'S HAVING IT RIGHT NOW?!" Gray yelled into his lacrimia.

He was at a job right now searching for Y/N. While Juvia was pregnant. Having a flipping baby. And he was out on a job.

"WHAT DID GRAY SAMMA PUT INTO ME! IT HURTS!" Juvia yelled in the background as Lucy tried to calm her down.

"I'LL BE BACK IN 28 MINUTES!" Gray yelled while running.

He finally arrived and Juvia was doing even worse.

"YOU PUT THIS IN ME GRAY SAMMA! I HAVE NO REGRETS BUT IT HURRRRTS!" Juvia yelled as a blushing Gray calmed her down.

"Gray me and Wendy have to help deliver...  The babies so could you um.." Lucy said awkwardly.

"Huh Oh! OK!" Gray said as he ran out of the room.

"Time to get these suckers out!" Lucy yelled . As Wendy nodded nervously. While Carla ran out of the room.

"HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE!" Gray yelled.

"It's only been... " Natsu started.

" IS SHE OK I DID THIS TO HER UM UMMM." Gray said panicking.


"WHY YOU....  Wait 5 minutes!? " Gray said in shock.

"THEY ARE COMING!" Wendy yelled as Gray rushed in there.

After a while to babies were born. One girl one boy. Wendy and Lucy left the two when the babies were born.

---Facts bout la children---

Sheru was the boy's name Juvia picked it. Nuria was the girl's name. Gray picked because well Y/N picked it originally.

The both had black hair. Nuria surprisingly got Y/N's E/C. She acted like Juvia strong but with a soft side. She would not give up. She had a love for plushies from her mom.

Sheru acted more like Gray. He was quiet but adventurous. He got one of Y/N's trait. A way to always make people smile. Sure he was quiet but he made people smile. By giving people his food even! (Rarely)

"They are so beautiful.... " Jove said crying.

"Yeah... I want to name the girl..." Gray said as Juvia nodded happily with tears. "Nuria."

"Oh.. After..  I'll name the boy Sheru.... This is a dream..." Juvia said until everyone busted in.

"HERE COMES THE UNCLE!" Natsu yelled loudly as the guild started to yell random things.

Then the babies cried.

"Shush your mouths! There's a baby here two no less!" Juvia SAID strictly and angered surprising everyone including Gray who was nodding. "Gomen...."

It was the first good time they had in a while.

Ok, before you say anything this is short because the next chapter is coming out like right after this in a bit so yeah! Also, 2K! WHAT, HOW, WHY THANK YOU!

I feel bad for Kendall making these sad so I gave you a more upbeat one! Alright, next one shall get on with La plot many edits from the original but THE FEELS ahem...  XD are still there. So I hope you enjoyed!

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