Only Time Will Tell (Finale)

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You two may have stood there too long but you diddnt care. You finally got tour mind back and hot to saw him. He got to see you. After a while you ended the hug.

"Heh... I'm really am back... I feel like the damsel in distress.." You said drying your tears.

"You don't change do you?" Natsu said showing his natural grin.

"NOPE! I don't change even after... Wait how long have I been gone?" You said in fear and realization.

The tone suddenly changed as Natsu suddenly turned sad and started saying what ha happened.

"It's... Been 3 years....."

---Gray's pov---

"WHERE IS SHE!" Gray said frustrated.

"Gray Sammmmaaa!" Juvia yelled running down a hill.

"J-uvia? Wait!? Sheru and Nuria... and why are you here?" He said comforting his out of breath girlfriend.

"They are with Azlack and Bisca don't worry. Also well... The lacrimia wasn't working... We've Tracked down Y/N..." Juvia said slowly so he wouldn't freak out. He luckily kept his cool. By stripping.

"What we found her?! Where is she?!" Gray asked.

"I'll show you but first get dressed... " Juvia said blushing with a nosebleed as Gray quickly put on clothes.

After Gray got dressed they ran to Y/N. The others (Lucy, Erza, etc) had already had people come to them (basically the whole guild). They saw Y/N crying into Natsu's arms and Natsu comforting her.

"MOVE IT!" Everyone yelled as they hugged Y/N. She was squished.

"W-HA..... I CANT BREATHE..." You said with tears smiling but crying of joy as everyone went back to the guild.

---To the guild! *smirks*---

---Your pov---

"THEY ARE ADORABLE!" You yelled quietly as you saw your niece and nephew.

"Thank you! You know Gray named the girl Nuria for you..... " Juvia whispered to you smiling but growing a small smirk.

"Awwww! The other one is Sheru? THEY ARE SO CUTE I CANT EVEN." You said staring at them. As the played with Bisca's and Azlack's kid.

"I'm gonna check up on him. I mean we haven't seen each other in 3 years... I think I'll make him something as an apology."  You said determined as you walked home.

On the way you just happened to bump into Gray. And you noticed something a big box in his pocket.

"Oh hey Gray what's in your..." You started to say.

"It's nothing I gotta go. See ya!" He said as he ruffled your hair and went off rather quickly.

"Oh... This will be interesting... Also did he just ruffle my hair?"  You thought smirking as you fixed your hair.

You ran back to the guild and ordered a lemonade. You couldn't keep back your smirks. Which made Mira curious.

"What... Y/N why are you smirking like you murdered someone?"Natsu said nervously.

"You will see... Also does this look like the face of a murderer?" You said pouting but laughing. As Natsu laughed nervously. You swore he was about to say something until Gray came in.

"Gray-Sama!" Juvia yelled as the children ran to Gray saying "Dada".

"Er.. Juvia take this...." He said as he got out a box her eyes widened.

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