Time Passes

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It's now been 3 years (total) since Y/N's kidnapping. And there hasn't been a single hint.

Everyone is sad that they haven't found Y/N yet but they keep searching. Very few have given up.

Gray has gotten very depressed over the years but he still is looking for Y/N furiously as she is his only family left other than Juvia and his kids he still pays attention to them.

Natsu.. Natsu has gone days weeks even just desperately searching for Y/N. He pays attention to his Nakama around him more but he still is looking furiously. He is still determined but is slowly very slowly losing hope.

"GODAMMIT!" Gray yelled in frustration.

"She wasn't there either.. " Lucy said sadly.

"We have to keep looking! Where else have we not looked yet?! " Natsu yelled in frustration.

"We still have some villages up east they arnt that well known.. She might be there." Erza said.

"Let's go there! Let's go Carla!" Wendy said with determination.

"Juvia agrees go Gray Sama! I will stay with Nuria and Sheru." Juvia said playing with her kids. She has done this a lot lately she can't go out much she would worry to much.

"Cut the chatter! Let's go!" Natsu said impatiently while flying off with Happy.

---Yes Another Time Skip----

"OK Natsu you ask around the village for Y/N. Gray you go to the west. Wendy take the north. Lucy East. Wendy and Happy go south. I'll look in the forest. Clear?"Erza yelled giving off directions of where people to search.

"Clear!" Everyone yelled as everyone went on their ways.

---Natsu's Pov---

"Hello sir have you heard of a girl named Y/N?!" Natsu asked desprate.

"Err no.. " The guy said.

"CMON! She has H/C and E/C and beautiful.... " Natsu was about to say until.

"Oh! That one! The one married to to Cunsuke! She's down the road!" The guy yelled but it was too late Natsu already picked up her scent.

"I'M COMING Y/N!" He yelled when he then fell when he bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you are going... " Natsu said until he saw Y/N's face. Her face.

He diddnt care anymore he was just glad to see her. He hugged her very tight yelling her name in joy.

"Let go freak!" She whined yelling.

"Help! Cunsuke!" She yelled trying to break free.

"My love I'm here~" Cunsuke said tearing Natsu off her. "Now.. Go make me a sandwich."

"Yes my lord!" Y/N said as she giggled and skipped off.

"What in sweet Mavis's name did you do to her?!" Natsu said in surprise.

"It's simple really all I did was...."


"Hey Ciri! I got a new one!" Cunsuke yelled happily carrying Y/N's body on his shoulder.

"Another? Ugh... Fine you owe me... The last one what happened?"Ciri said rolling his eyes.

"Oh she wasn't interesting anymore do I killed her." Cunsuke said like it wasn't anything new.

"Again? Ugh finee... Ok then I have to tell the guidelines you know... Ok! If I erase her memories and change her personality.... There has to be one thing to change her back and if it happens you die and she gains everything back... Her pain is your pain.... Yada yaddda..." Ciri said annoyed.

"Yes can you hurry up pick one that has never been solved and I'll give you the tip." Cunsuke said bored.

"The Slap Back To Reality One?" (He diddnt tell this too Natsu) Ciri asked looking through all the things.

"Yes you baka!" Cunsuke said as he sighed.

"Fine.." Ciri grunted putting Y/N's body into the machine and pulled the lever. Making Y/N yell in pain. She stepped out completely fresh.

"Hello! Do you want a sandwich?" Y/N said innocently.

---End of Flashback---

Natsu fell to the ground tears flowing of his eyes. He couldn't attack Cunsuke it would hurt Y/N. He lost.

"Oh my look at you so pitiful I love it!" Cunsuke said in enjoyment. "I even pity you! I'll let you have a few minutes with Y/N. You little pitiful Dragon."

"Y/N come here! Talk to this man and pretend to enjoy yourself!" Cunsuke said as Y/N walked outside. Cunsuke went inside.

"Y/N please remember me... " Natsu said desperate. He knew it wouldn't work but he diddnt care.

"I don't remember you for the last time!" Y/N yelled.

"Cmon! You have to remember your brother Gray. Lucy your childhood friend... Fairy Tail your family... ME YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Natsu said falling to the floor even more.

"Me? Dating you?! Give me a break?! You expect me to believe that! You're an idiot I would have to be an idiot to love you! Let me tell you this buddy..."


"I don't even think you are the same person.... I won't believe it.... We are done." Natsu said raged and walked off.

---Your path---

"Yay he finally left, he seemed familiar, why was this body so harsh to him..... GAH?!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" You yelled as a million memories came to pass through you. As you heard Cunsuke yell you ran to him.

"Have fun in hell." You said with no emotion. Just for fun you attacked him with water.

You then smelled artificialness.

"YOU ARE GONNA DIE!" You yelled to the woman.

"You don't even know my name you impatient twat." You guessed she was about to tell you, but you didn't care you were in your murder mede from rage.

"I. Don't. Care." You said as you  punched her to oblivion.

You didn't care you wanted to harm this woman some more but at the same time you wanted to see Natsu. You picked Natsu planning to save this for later.

"Hmm.. This is gonna be expensive I can tell....  Oh well. I never liked them Asuna and Kirito anyway they changed after they played that game.... (NOT saying video games are evil I love video games just saying this game that they played corrupted them) " Ciri said teloporting to the scene out of your view then left.

"Did I hear something?" You said calming down from your rage. Then realized Natsu left.

"Wait Natsu!" You yelled chasing after him following his scent.

"COTTON CANDY! NATSU!" You yelled attacking him from behind with a hug attack. You diddnt bother to hold in your tears.

"Y-/N... Your...this isn't a... "

"No its not a trap... I'm back."


I'm done epilogue maybe!

Whoooooooo! I felt evil writing that but I think it was good a bit sad but good and fulfilling! I'm sorry for not updating! I've been busy! There isn't really an good excuse GOMENASAI!

Also wow the support has been AMAZING thank you all! It's 2 thousand! 2 THOUSAND SQUUUE I DONT CARE IF YOU SAY I'M OVERREACTING.

Especially for my 1st story I'm a bit sad to see this coming to an end.. Maybe a sequel in the future? Well I won't take up anymore of your time!

Author Chan out.

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