Confusion In Dragon Form

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Shout out to Kittykatchayoo you've been a great support everyone go follow them if it wasn't for there tip bout my posting problem there wouldn't be any more of this story!
Oh and last thing I edited the past parts so please reread them there's some important new stuff in there now back to the story!!!


"Geez Gray how much beer did you drink?" Natsu said coming inside.

"Oh Cotton candy is here maybe he can take him home? Wait home? Where am I staying?!" You thought in realization.

"Hey Natsu do me a favor and take Gray to your house." You asked him directly.

"Ehhhh! Why don't you take him home!" Natsu whined.

"I don't exactly have a home.... Heh." You said with a piece of sweat dropping from your head.

"Ugh finnne." Natsu said agreeing.

"Oooh move to Fairy Hills! Please Y/N!?" Levy said easedropping on your conversation.

With the confusion she saw on your face she explained what Fairy Hills is. You couldn't help but notice the sad pinkette in the back.

"Ehhhh.. Well I'll check it out I don't really like dorms though. Also I gotta drop of Juvia here there too anyway" You said reluctantly.

With that you got Juvia on your back as Natsu did then you to went on your way.

---Natsu's pov---

"This guy is so freaken heavy!" Natsu thought climbing the hill to his house.

"Natsuuuuuu why are you carrying Gray here?!" Happy said coming out of the house confused.

Natsu then explained everything leaving out the kiss he had with Y/N but he had no problem talking bout Gray's love life with Juvia.

"Nnngh... Why do I have a ginormous headache . Oi flame brain why am I on your back?!" Gray said rubbing his head. Then getting off Natsu.

"You should tell me you drunken stripper! You were the one coming in and giggling and hiccuping." He then acted out what he and Juvia had done when they came in.

"Wait... Aww crap! No... Geez I..." Gray said rubbing his head in frustration.

"What do you mean it wasn't that bad. You were just drunker than Cana." Natsu said laughing.

"Ugh no that's not it me and Juvia did something when we were drunk.." Gray said in shame.

"Huh what is it?" Said the dense Dragonslayer.

"Ugh! Natsu we did you know the.... Birds and the bees..." Gray said while his ears were blowing out steam.

"Huh?" Natsu thought about what he was talking about.

"You learned only about the pelican bringing babies to the doorstep diddnt you." Gray said smaking his forehead as Natsu nodded. "Well then time to ruin your childhood." Gray said with an evil smirk.

One horrifying explanation later.

"Gray thanks for ruining Natsu" Happy said sarcastically as he stared at the Dragon slayer that was rocking in the corner.

"Wait you do it with people close to you right so I should do it to my Nakama at Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked innocently.

"NO YOU FLAMETARD -ahem- you do it with people you love like.." Gray said starting to form an slightly evil grin then said. "By the way... who do you love Natsu?"

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