Strength and Empty

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You just stood there as Gray did as he was nearby and heard what you said.

"Y/N... Gray.... I'm so sorry...." Lucy said gasping and looking at her feet. As Loke arrived and tried to comfort her a bit.

"I-its fine!" You said managing a smile.

"You gotta be the strong one... What good will it do if you cry cmon for Gray..."

You and Gray then went to hug each other as you whispered. "We will make a grave for them later ok?"

"Y-eah.. Later.." Gray said looking at you and then letting go.

"So what's inside!" You said opening the present trying to change the subject.

It was a book. It looked handmade. You knew why she gave you this when you were little you knew she wanted to be an author. She said you would definitely be one of the first one to read it.

"Oh wow! You actually made it! " You said with a sudden change in attitude.

"That's Y/N alright. Always trying to be strong like she is.." Lucy thought smiling.

Then Natsu hug attacked Y/N from behind and whisper in her ear "Stop hiding your emotions all right?"

"Natsu... I'm fine really. Now come here!" You said as you put him in a playful choker.

"WHA??? NO FAIR YOU GOT A HEARD START!" Natsu yelled as he tried to get out.

"WELL TOO BAD!!" You yelled while laughing as did everyone else.

After a long time the party finally was finished. You stayed behind mostly because you wouldn't leave until you finished Luce's book. You were gonna go to the cemetery later.

---Your pov---

"Geez Luce! Why is this so good!" You said as you FINALLY finished her book.

"Who knew she could write THIS GOOD! I love that the girl is invisible! She actually wrote it it too!" You thought in joy as you packed up your bags and was about to leave.

You got outside then you smelled something you smelled before. It smelled artificial. In other words it smelled horrible.

"What in the world Is that smell?" You said to yourself looking around. "MMMPF!" You yelled as you got a needle shot in your knee. You then fell to the ground.

"Surprise! It's good ol 50 pound makeup gal! Hope you enjoy poison! " She said laughing like the crazied woman she was. "Your coming with me... I wish that poison would kill you... I have no idea what he sees in you."

"What in the world makes you think I will.... " You said then falling asleep.

"I finally have you little Y/N..." Cunsuke said kneeling down to play with your hair. (like a strand of it)

---Gray's Pov---

"Y/N still isn't back..." Gray said annoyed.

"She probably fell asleep might as well get her. We have to go to the cemetery... " Gray said getting dressed then going to the guild.

---Time Skip---

"Oh look there she is." Gray said looking at Y/N reading.

"Oi! Y/N come on! We have to go!" Gray yelled.

"OK." Y/N said walking to Gray.

"What.... This isn't like her.. She would say something sarcastic..or dumb. Also her magic feels different.." Gray thought skeptical.

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