Fixing The Broken Cracks

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"GAH!" You yelled as you kicked Natsu to an nearby tree.

"Ooowww..... That hurt Y/N!" Natsu yelled rubbing his head.

"S-sorry!" You said embarrassed.

"So you want to explain?" Gray said angry and about to lose his patience. "Actually not now first... WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU FIGHT ALL BY YOURSELF!"

"BECAUSE I GOTTA PROTECT MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBER!" You yelled back a little annoyed at Gray.

"STILL! YOUR LUCKY YOUR NOT DEAD!" Gray yelled with a worried face.

"Well... Umm... Sigh I'm sorry Gray..." You said realizing your mistake.

"Darn it I made him worry.... Hey where is Luce? And everyone else?" You thought still sad that you made Gray worry.

"Sigh.. You never change don't ya?" Gray said chuckling. He then went to Natsu. You just stood there you diddnt know what to do.

"Hey Gray! How you've been!" Natsu said trying to change the subject.

"Flame brain... You really think you can do that to my sister? And think you will be off the hook?" Gray said popping his knuckles.

"G-gray he was being controlled." You said a bit scared at your brother.

"I. Don't. Care. If. He. Was. Controlled." Gray said showing no emotion.

"I diddnt mean to hurt her but..... Do your worst..." Natsu said.

"I probably deserve this I mean I hurt the guy's sis... Also if it was me I would already be dead. Like a piece of chicken." Natsu thought in his dense head.

Bam! One punch as you stood motionless. Wham! A nice kick to the side.

Natsu falling. Blood boiling. Gray kicking... Until you decided to stop it.

"Gray you stop this now!" You yelled sternly.

"NO. I need to teach this guy a lesson. Or else he will treat you like trash." Gray said still kicking Natsu.

"It's fine Y/N I deserve this...." Natsu said weakly.

"OK ENOUGH IS ENOUGH." You thought angered as you grabbed Gray's leg and flipped him.

"Y/N!" Gray yelled in shock.

"That is IT. I'm am tired of this! You are blaming Natsu for what you did! If you just stayed out of my stuff this wouldn't be HAPPENING. IF YOU JUST... JUST.. WERNT A BRAT SOMETIMES!" You yelled not thinking as you said them but you immediately regretted saying it.

"Me? ME THE BRAT!? YOUR THE ONE THINKING YOU CAN TAKE ONE EVERYTHING WITHOUT HELP! WELL GUESS WHAT I'M DONE." Gray said with slight tears forming in his eyes. Breaking your heart as he walked off.

You just fell to the ground saying "Was that the right thing to do...."

"Y/N!" Natsu yelled using his strength to give you a hug.

"N-atsu!" You yelled in surprise but hugged back.

"I'm so so sorry for all of this! If I wasn't a baka...." He was about to say until you gave him a nice long kiss.

"It's fine silly! We just need to work this out I'll just let Gray let off some... Ste...." You said then thinking bout what just happened

"WELL GUESS WHAT I'M DONE."... Horrible sister... Horrible..." You thought.

"It... Wil... " You suddenly burst into tears.

"Y/N.... " Natsu said trying to comfort you while giving you a hug.

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