All Alone

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"Ugh... I diddnt think that through.... I'm hungryyyyy..." Natsu said rubbing his stomach.

"Welp... I'm gonna have to be nurse huh Pink Dragon?" You said trying to stand up.

"Pink Dragon.... Nah cotton Candy great now my stomach is in my mind what's next?" You thought randomly

"Hey! Don't stand up your leg and Pink Dragon?" Natsu said thinking of a nickname for you. "Then are you my Blue Dragon?" He asked trying to flirt.

"If you call me that I will fly away right now and leave you. Just call me Y/N. Got it?" You then said with a serious face as Natsu nodded shivering.

You chuckled a bit while Natsu made a fire but then got tired you both drifted off to sleep.

---Time skip to afternoon---

"Nnnngh..... Five more minutes..huh what's under me? GAH!" You said as you got woken up by the evil son to find out you used Natsu's chest as a pillow.

"Did I really sleep like that. Correction I did and I slept in a forest! His chest is soft..... Ugh mind leave me alone for one day!" You thought blushing.

You then got out of your (Comfratable) position then stared at Natsu wondering if he would wake up soon. You then decided to use you water to heal both of your wounds. (Yes her natural element is water but she dosent have water body I like to think that it's only Juvia's move)

"Ahh... So much better heh that guy can sleep through anything." You said giggling and looking at Natsu who wasn't at all fazed by your water.

"Ah......." You just sat there healing both of your wounds." It felt nice the water was refreshing. You then got lost in your thoughts and it triggered when you saw a nearby lake.

"I'll never forget that day... That bake... " You thought chuckling.


"Slowpokes! Hurry up we are almost at the beach!" You yelled running as everyone else was trying to catch up.

"Y/N! Slow down!" Lucy yelled panting.

"Aww cmon Luce... It's the beach for Petes sake! There's so much water! This is the one time I don't mind not being in a hoodie!" You said fangirling about the beach.

This was true about your outfit. Your normal outfit usually consisted of a Hoodie with some animal ears attached to the hood usually (hood was most of the times down). Some random jeans. And random Converse, Sandles, or Tennis Shoes.

"So you don't see me wanting to go to Antarctica! Also you don't see Juvia running like a maniac!" Gray said annoyed.

"Juvia is very tired for some reason so Juvia wants to be beside Gray Sama!" Juvia said giving Gray a peck on the cheek while giggling. While Gray's face turned red.

"Fine next time we will go to Antarctica Ice Princess!" You said with a grin running as Natsu laughed running also. You then turned towards him. "And next time we can go to a volcano for the Flame Princess over here!"

"Hey!" Natsu yelled cheeks puffed. As Lucy, Gray, Juvia, and Erza laughed.

"Erza.. Please don't tell me your going to the beach in armor!" Lucy asked sighing.

"Of course not I have a legendary swimsuit for later!" Erza said gleaming then whispered. "That won't tear this time.."

"Squee! We are here!" You said then running to the changing rooms.

Everyone then sighed then went in their Boy/Girl changing rooms. You brought a Blue and white poka dot bikini with a frilly bottom to go with it. Your scarf was tied around your wrist. Lucy brought a striped black and white bikini. Erza wore a leaped patterned one. Juvia wore a yellow floral bikini.

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