Chapter 6

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As time went on River and Buzz's friendship began to grow more which was beautiful to watch, River and Buzz when they got together were like 2 peas in a pod. Buzz went out of his way to make River laugh in anyway he could. Buzz now that it was the start of November, came to mine Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for lessons, we did maths geography, science and pe, buzz loved pe most because River got to join in, not that she didn't join in anything else that we did but in the other lessons she couldn't do very much, but with pe she could get more involved in what we did, Buzz loved going swimming he was such a water monkey. Even through lessons were only from 9 until 12 we did a lot in the time. Me and Dougie had decided because our garden was so big that we were going to put a little built in swimming pool, so that we didn't have to keep paying for the swimming pool. But this was not being built until Christmas so on the run up we would go to the swimming pool that was about 20 minutes from the house and swim there. Buzz loved being at mine we did some great things and had such a laugh doing them.

He did English and History with Gi. I loved having Buzz around he was such a laugh.

Mine and Dougie's birthday came round really fast and I wasn't expecting it. It just seem to creep up on me. We had a bit of a house party and invited everyone over for a couple of drinks and food. I spent the whole day cooking in the kitchen and by the time everyone turned up at 7 there was enough food to feed the 5 thousand.

River now being 11 months and able to roll over which made for a lot of moving things round to stop her hurting herself by hitting her head.

But it was funny to watch Buzz walk next to her to stop her hitting her head he would move her if she was getting to close to the table or about to fall down the steps to the sofa, he was like her big brother it was brilliant to watch.

Today he was crawling next to River, he was paying more attention to what Riv was doing at smack straight into the table.

"Come here buzz." I said sitting him on the stool in the kitchen putting Riv in her high chair and getting Buzz a packet of pea to out on his head.

"I-it h-hurts Rhi." He said through sobs

"I know sweet heart but lesson learnt?" I said holding the peas on Buzz head
"Y-yeah." He said still with tears running down his face.

"Right next time, walk next to River don't crawl or you will do it again." I said
After 10 minutes I took the peas off his head and he had a lump on his head

"Right lunch time then your mum will be here, pickle." I said kissing him on the top of his head

We had some lunch then Gi turned up.

"Hey Gi." I said opening the door

"Hey how was today." She asked

"Yeah it was great went swimming, did some maths which he is getting great at. Read some Tommy the biplane ready for March April time, did some painting oh and just before lunch he crawled into the table." I said leading her into the kitchen

"Oh dear." Gi said

"Yeah," I said

"He's ok though?" Gi asked

"Yeah he should be fine. He hasn't been sick and didn't knock him self out, but if he gets a head ache or throws up I suggest you take him to the hospital, but he should be fine. Buzz mummy's here babe." I shouted into the living room

"Yay mummy." Buzz said coming running into the kitchen

"Good day with auntie Rhianne." Gi asked

"Yeah, it was great. Auntie Rhianne is getting a swimming pool." Buzz said

"Yeah I know daddy said. Right come on trouble lets get home." Gi said

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