Chapter 16

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At the start of June me and Dougie were sat on the sofa with River sat in a chair and we were watching finding nemo.

"I think we should all go on holiday this year." I said to Dougie

"What do you mean?" Dougie asked

"Harry and Izzy. Tom, gi and Buzz. Matt, Emma, Isabelle and Ace, Danny and Georgia plus James and Carrie and Pete. Because I know they will love it." I said

"17 of us." Dougie said

"yeah." I said smiling

"That's not a bad idea you know." Dougie said smiling

"Yeah I know." I said 

So that was it we had talks with the other and all decided that we all wanted to Disney land Florida. 
It was set we were jetting off to Florida on the 12th August and coming back on the 25th August.

A week before we were heading off I took River shopping which was great fun. Carrie, izzy and Gi came with us which was nice and we had a great laugh picking clothes out and getting ready for the holiday I could wait to go.

It would be our first holiday all together all 15 of us including Carrie and Pete which was great I couldn't wait for River to experienced what me and Dougie had when we went for our honey moon.

The morning of leaving, everyone had stayed at mine and Dougie's so that we could all be up and ready to leave together, we were up at just gone 4 in the morning to get the plane at 9.

"Danny, Georgia. Sorry time to get up." I said I had been given the task of waking everyone up which was not fun, but I had put some bacon on for bacon sandwiches for everyone.

"Tom, Gi. Sorry time to get up." I said waking Tom and Gi up we had decided that it would be best to leave the children to sleep. So not to wake them up they had all been put in Rivers room.

Once all the adults were up and dressed I made bacon sandwiches and coffee or tea, we had breakfast and by about 5:30 everyone was ready to go. We had got 4 cars to have everyone in, car 1 was Tom, Gi, Buzz, Carrie and Pete. In car 2 were Matt, Emma, Isabelle and Ace and James. In car 3 were Danny, Georgia, Harry and Izzy and in car 4 was me, Dougie and River.

We got to the airport at just gone 6:30 we checked in and by this point all the kids had woken up and were hungry so we went to find something to eat.

"Right, River, Buzz, Isabelle and Ace, what are you having to eat." I said standing at the counter

"Can I have pan cake mum." River said

"Yeah, Buzz, Isabelle and Ace. What do you want." I asked

"Bacon sandwich please Rhianne." Ace said

"Yeah ok, Buzz Isabelle what are you having." I said

"Beans on toast." Isabelle said

"Pancakes please Rhianne." Buzz said

"Right get a drink each nothing Fizzy don't want pealing you off the roof of the plane." I said and they went got get some juices, River and Buzz got apple and Isabelle and Ace got orange.

"go sit down." I said I paid for breakfast and went to sit down

Once the kids had eaten it was time to head for the plane. We were taking up 17 seats in first class which was mad.

We took our seats and that was it we were off.

6 hours later we arrived and were picked up by a coach that accommodated us all and our suit cases.

We checked into our room and that was it.

River is now 6, Buzz is 13, Isabelle is 17 and Ace is 15. Isabelle and Ace looked after Buzz and River. The 4 of them went off together for the first couple of days of the holiday but after about 3 days they sort of stuck with us and it was great fun.

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