Chapter 7

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River was cruising around the furniture which made for entertainment. Carrie had to leave at about 3 because she had to head to work.

"See you later. Christmas at yours I think." I said to Carrie

"Yeah mum said that the 3 of you were coming round for Christmas dinner or something." Carrie said

"Yeah she said about 1:30 to come round." I said

"Yeah that sounds about right." Carrie said smiling

She left and I was left with 6 guys playing stupid games with River

"Come on guys, you're not 5." I said walking into the living room.

"Peek-a-poo." Dougie said and River giggled

I loved listening to River giggle it made my day.

I picked River up and took her in the kitchen with me, because I knew that the boys would get nothing done if River was still there. River and I spent the afternoon making cake, painting and reading stories which River loved doing. About 3 o clock River had a sleep and it gave me time to tidy up and sort out the pile of washing on the dining table.

After putting the washing away I popped out to get some milk and left the boy in charge of River and I came back to find them yet again sat around a wide eyed River pulling stupid face and River giggling so hard she nearly fell over.

"right boys tea should be about half an hour." I said

I left them to play with River it was easier than having her moan and she was a right daddy's girl, always wanted a hug off Dougie if she could pick.

I made dinner, chilli with rice, plus I made some pasta for River because I knew she wouldn't like the chilli.
As it got closer to Christmas the boys began doing the 5 Christmas shows 2 in London at Wembley, 1 in Birmingham, 1 in Manchester and the final 1 in Dublin.

I loved tagging along to the show and plus I had to I was first aider for the band, so I knew pretty much everything about them. I knew all the pains that they would get and everything.

"Tom sit still will you please. You're not making my life easier." I said at the show in Birmingham, Tom had jumped so much at the second show at Wembley that he had messed his ankle up.

"It hurts." He said

"Not my fault I told you. That stage is not as bouncy as the other." I said strapping his ankle up and giving him some pain killers

"ouch." He said

"Stop, right it should be ok but be careful tonight." I said finishing

"Thanks Rhi." He said sitting up

We went back into the dressing room

"All fixed." James said

"Mrs P sorted me out." He said smiling at dougie who was giving River some milk from the bottle that I had given him before sorting Tom out

"Yes no jumping tonight Mr Fletcher." I said giving him a look

"Yes Mrs P" tom said the boys laughed

"I will give you Mrs P" I said hitting him with the paper in my hand

"ouch." He said but he was smiling

Just then my phone went off. "hey," I said leaving the room

"Hey Rhi we're here can you come let me in." Carrie said

"Yeah on my way sweet." I said

I put the phone down and went to get Carrie from front of house. There were screaming fan with at the sight of me who wanted picture.

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