Chapter 14

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River was loving school so much and it made her so happy to be able to walk to school with Buzz every morning and walk home with him, sometimes if I couldn't pick River up Buzz Would Pick her up and bring her home and just play games with her until I got home or until I had finished what I was doing, but I was getting more and more worried about Buzz because he would come back with bruises and cuts on his face.

Today he came back with River after going to the park after school with a cut on his hand

"Buzz. Come here." I said seeing his hand

I stitched his hand put a bandage on it and he left.

The thing about Buzz was that he never let anything get to him. He would never fight back or anything like that.


At the start of January Buzz ended up having a week off because he had been beat up so much that he couldn't walk. But he still wanted to see River so after school on her 6thbirthday I took her round to see him

"Buzz." River said sitting on Buzz's bed

"Hey river." Buzz said sitting up in bed, his face lit up when she walked into the room

"How you feeling Buzz?"  I asked

"Better thanks Rhianne, should be back to school next week." Buzz said

"Hey tom." I said as tom appeared at my shoulder.

"Hey Rhianne." Tom said smiling

"This was the final straw for Gi. She went up to school and shouted at the head and he has kicked the guys that did this out." Tom said

"That's good" I said smiling I was watching River and Buzz playing rock paper scissors

"Yeah we are just worried that they will get him when he comes out of school." Tom said

"I will pick him up for a bit." I said

"Will you Rhianne." Tom said

"Yeah he finishes before River I can get Buzz then walk and get River." I said

"Oh Rhianne that would be great. Plus he is only going to be in school for another 2 months then the tour kicks off." Tom said

"Yeah River is the same." I said smiling 

"River I have a present here for your birthday." Buzz said and from the side of his bed he pulled a present.

River opened it and it was a drawing that Buzz had done of me, River and dougie on the beach,

"Oh thanks Buzz." River said and she gave Buzz a hug

"You're very welcome River." Buzz said smiling

"Come on River time to go home." I said

"I don't want to go home." River said

"Yeah I know sweet but Buzz has got to rest sweet come on dad should be home by now and he said about playing Guitar with you this evening." I said

"Bye Buzz." River said hugging him again she carried the picture all the way home and put it up in her bedroom when we got home.

"How's Buzz?" Dougie asked

"Not too bad I going to walk him home for a bit just to make sure he is ok, plus tour kicks off soon so he will not be there for the end of the year and he can't wait to head on tour again." I said

"Poor Buzz." Dougie said

"Yeah I know he is the sweetest boy ever I don't understand why anyone would do something like that to him." I said

"Yeah I know." Dougie said 

Monday came around and like before Buzz came round at 8:30 to walk to school.

"Come on Buzz." I said after dropping River off

"Thanks Rhianne." Buzz said

He was smiling, I think he had been ready to get back to school, because whenever River was at school I had gone round to check on Buzz to make sure everything was ok.

I walked him to the school gate and left him and said that I would come and pick him up later to walk and get River

"Thanks Rhianne." He said and he hugged me

"You're welcome sweet." I said hugging Buzz

I went home and got a phone call from gee I hadn't spoken to her since she had told me she had cancer. Which was well over 6 years ago. We just seemed to lose contact.

"Hey Rhi just thought I would let you know that everything is fine, im all clear." She said

"That's great sweet." I said I was so happy that everything was ok.

"How are you?" Gee asked

"Yeah I'm great, what about you?" I asked

"yeah I'm fine, how is River finding school." Gee asked

"Oh she loves it, she gets to walk to school with Buzz every day so she couldn't be happier." I said smiling

"Oh yeah, how is buzz I sow you put something on Facebook about him the other day." Gee asked

"yeah not bad still in a bit of pain but you know what he is likes he misses River loads when he is not with her. He loves walking to school with her every day plus it makes her happy as well." I said sitting on the sofa

"Aww that's cute." Gee said

"Yeah it is." I said smiling still 

"Just thought I would see how you were. "Gee said

"Yeah I'm good the boys have started rehearsing for the tour at the start of April. So my time with Dougie has yet again been cut short but River and Buzz are both coming on tour so they get to spend time together getting up to no good like normal." I said smiling

"Hahaha bless them." Gee said

Our conversation lasted about hour I then got a call from Dougie

"Hey babe what's up?" I asked

"Can you come to the studio please? Its about the set list."Dougie asked

"yeah be there in about half an hour." I said

I headed to the space where the boys were going over the set list for the tour.
"ok so we can have 15 songs we want Air hostess, Year 3000, air guitar, vampire girl, riding my bike, crashed the wedding, living young, beautiful girl are the loneliest, living a lie, candy girl, love me like you do."  Matt said

"Yeah I still think we shouldn't do love me like you do." Dougie said

"Why not?" I asked

"Dougie seems to think that it would be strange singing a song that his ex wrote." Matt said

"Oh dougie." I said sitting on his lap then saying, "stop being a girl." I kissed him on the cheek

"Oi." He said

"Dougie you don't even sing that song." James said

"Yeah but I still have to play it." Dougie said

"Doug come off it." Tom said

"I have a point." Dougie said looking at me for support.

"Dougie if it makes you feel better I will play as well." I said looking at him
He looked at me in amazement then said "really will you."

"Yeah if that's that I have to do, I already have to be a vampire girl and bite everyone singing is not going to very hard." I said

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Dougie said putting his arms around me

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