Chapter 20

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A week later for the shows in Perth, Tom was able to go on stage for the first time since his injury and he was really looking forward to it.

"Right come here Tom let me just make sure." I said

"ok." Tom said walking over to the sofa in the dressing room and sitting down

"Take your sock off Tom." I said sitting on the floor

He took his sock off I made sure his foot was ok, "Right you're ok to go on stage but be careful Mr Fletcher, I mean it. Your foot is not at its best so just be careful."

"Rhi you're a star you know that right." Tom said

"Yes I know what would you do without me." I said standing up and smiling, I went to sit with Dougie

"Curl up and get nothing done." Tom said

The show was amazing the night and I was so glad to not be a part of the show and to be able to just sit down with River, Buzz, Gi, Georgia and Izzy it was lovely.

The show finished and we went back to the hotel and had something to eat we were all really hungry by the time the show was over.

Once we had all eaten we headed back to our rooms to sleep, I was shattered and wanted to sleep for ever.

Thankfully we had another show the next night then we had 2 day off which was nice because most of us were going to use the time to catch on sleep that had been lost.

Next morning I slept in till about 11.

Next day was mad and all over the place, matt had hurt his shoulder in the show the night before and needed physio which was never a task I enjoyed doing, but seeing Matt top less was a bonus, the other boys had decided to go to the gym so whilst I was with Matt doing his physio River and Buzz stayed with Gi, Izzy and Georgia and went to the sea life centre.

"Fuck it hurt" matt said

"Yeah I know it does matt you might be a bit careful next time." I said

"Yes mum." Matt said smiling

"Don't mum me."  I said slapping him round the head

"Sorry." He said smiling

I laughed

"Right off you go." I said pretty much pushing him off the bed

"Thanks Rhianne." Matt said leaving

"Get out." I said slapping his arse smiling

He smiled and left

The show that night was awesome.

"Danny, sit the fuck sit, I can't sort your head out if your pissing about boys stop." I said Danny had hit himself in the head with his guitar taking it off at the end of the show and he now had a cut across his head.

"Sorry Rhianne." The boys said

"You will be when I can't sort him out and he can't bloody see." I said

"Dougie I want a hug." Harry said and he jumped on Dougie and so did the others I just rolled my eyes and carried on sticking Danny's head back together.

"Get off." Dougie shouted

"Dougie come on I want a hug." Harry said I just rolled my eyes again

The night we headed to bed, ready for bed and looking forward to a day off tomorrow and not have to get up.

The next day was a none show day which felt lovely but, the boys needed to do work for when we go back to the uk in about 4 weeks ish.

The last 4 shows in Australia was in Canberra. All the boys were looking forward to that show.

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