Chapter 12

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Year 2025

As the next couple of years went on River grew bigger and started becoming more and more musical. She started to get the hang of the guitar and was getting really good at it by the time she was 5 she could play a some of my heart will go on.

"Well done baby girl." Dougie said

"Thanks you daddy." River said smiling she looked really happy with her self
Dougie messed up Rivers hair.

"Dad." River said pushing his hand away

Dougie laughed

"Mum, dad messed my hair up." River said coming running into the kitchen

"Come here babe." I said

River sat done on the stool and I sorted her hair out

There was a knock at the door. "River Buzz is here." Dougie shouted

"Buzz." River shouted running into living room and gave Buzz a hug
Buzz now being about 12 was at high school and very rarely had time to see River but when he did come round he took River out for a couple of hours.

"Here Buzz." I said handing him a £5 note "go get some ice cream." I smiled

"Thanks Rhianne." Buzz said "come on River." and they left

"Bless him." I said smiling

"I hope they get together." Dougie said making me a cup of tea

"Dougie." I said glaring at him

"What, I hope they do." Dougie said

"There is a 7 year difference between them" I said

"Oh come on there is a 7 year difference between us and we're still fine." Dougie said

"Yeah but that's not the point, she is 5 years old and he's 12 Dougie." I said taking my tea off Dougie

"And by the time she is 20 and he will be 28 and then it will be fine." Dougie said

"Dougie poynter you know that your best friends son." I said

"Yeah I know. Tom said that Buzz misses seeing River so much and wants to see her more, his background on his phone is that picture that was taken at Christmas." Dougie said wrapping his arms around me

"This is not the point." I said smiling and kissing Dougie on the cheek

"Chill Rhi Tom had words with Buzz and said that nothing could happen until she was at least 16." Dougie said 

"Dougie." I said looking at him

"What at least when she's 16 they can have...."

"Dougie that's you daughter." I said smiling

"Yeah I know sweet." Dougie said kissing my head and letting go

River and Buzz got back about 4:30 ish

"Hey sweet." I said

"Hey Rhianne, River loved the park, we played on the swings and played in the sand." Buzz said

"Thanks sweet heart. Would you like to stay for dinner." I asked

"Yes please I will just text mum." Buzz said taking his phone out.

"She said that I could stay." Buzz said reading from his phone 5 minutes later

"good." I said smiling "we're having risotto." 

"That sounds amazing Rhianne." Buzz said and he put his drink on the side.

"Buzz please come read to me."

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