Chapter 22

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When we got into the UK I was so glad because I could now text Dougie.

Jodie and Luke were driving us all mental they had taken over the double room at the back of the tour bus and the noises that would come from the room kept me and the other boys up for most of the night.

Thankfully in the UK we were staying in a hotel which was a lovely feeling because it was nice to sleep in a proper bed because Jodie and lukes relationship had taken off and it had somehow been announced to the world that they were dating so they shared a room and I got a room to myself.

The first show in the UK was in Glasgow for 3 shows.

"Rhianne you ready." Jodie said knocking on my hotel room door about 20 minutes before sound check for that nights show.

"Yeah just facetiming Dougie and River will meet you there." I said then looking back at my phone.

"Right babes I have to go sound check for the show." I said to Dougie and River

"Yeah we have to go as well we are having dinner with Carrie, Pete, Tom, Gi and Buzz tonight which sounds fun, can't wait for that." Dougie said

"Right have fun then." I said blowing a kiss to them

"Bye mummy." River said which melted my heart.

"Bye sweet, see you in less than 2 weeks can't wait. I will call tomorrow ok?" I said smiling

"Yeah call after school though." River said smiling

"Ok sweet." I said and River left.

"Have fun babe." Dougie said

"Yeah you as well." I said and I disconnected the call

I got ready to head over to the venue.

I got there and sound check was under way I went and sat next to Jodie then got a text from Dougie.

"God help me, sat at dinner with tom and fam eating chicken meat balls, what is going on with life right now. Riv loves them!!!"

I laughed and sent one back saying "get over yourself and bloody eat them, and stop texting at the dinner table."

5 minutes later I got one back saying "roast chicken next time I hope." And this kept me smiling all night.

Jodie and I headed back the hotel before the boys that night because they had a meeting or something so me and Jodie went and sat in the bar and waited for them to get back.

It was gone midnight before they turned up.

"What was the meeting about?" Jodie asked Luke

"Just about the new album." Luke said smiling

"Great shall we get to bed?" Jodie said

I went to bed feeling happy that night because I had got to speak to Dougie and River.

Next morning Jodie woke me up at some stupid o'clock.

"Rhianne, Rhianne, Rhianne." Jodie said hammering on my hotel room door

"What the hell?" I said opening the door

"Come on come one." She said dragging me out of my room and down 3 flights of stairs

"Can't you see I was trying to sleep...." Then I sow Matt, Tom, River, Dougie, James, harry and Danny standing there

"Guys!!" I shouted running into Dougies arms

"We came for the show and just to see you; Dougie has not shut up about it." Matt said smiling I picked River up.

"I think we should go for a walk." James said taking hold of Rivers hand

"Yeah I need to go and get dressed though." I said just releasing that I was still in my pjs.

"I will come with you babe. James look after River tell you what go into the restaurant and have something to eat and we will be in there in a bit." Dougie said smiling and taking hold of my hand and leading me up to my room, we bumped into Luke and Jodie on the stairs.

"This room is taken. We'll have to find somewhere else." Dougie said I smiled

"Guys get a room." I said walking past them

"Get your own room." Luke said smiling

"That where we're going." Dougie said

We got back to my room closed the door and that was it.

"Dougie I need a shower." I said

"Then let me get in with you." Dougie said smiling

"fine." I said and I got undressed and got in the shower with Dougie it was lovely, he washed my hair for me.
It took us just over half an hour to have a shower the 2 of us. Once we'd got out I got dressed sorted my hair made myself look a bit better.

When I was finally ready we went down stairs to find the others, the 5sos boys were there and Mcbusted boys were waiting.

"What took you so long?" Calum asked

"I needed a shower." I said smiling

"What did Dougie got in with you, what were you getting up to?" Ash said smiling

"Yeah we had a shower together been married for about 8 years." I said smiling

We went for a walk it was lovely. So much fun, River had brought her kite so her and James went off up a massive hill to see if it would fly. Jodie was loving dating Luke they were so cute together holding hands and not caring what anyone thought. They would kiss in the middle of the path if they wanted to they didn't care about any pictures that went up or anything was written about them. The best thing that Luke had done was say how much he loved Jodie on stage it was the cutest thing on the planet and Jodie had gone scarlet, it made me laugh. I had experienced this so many times when Dougie had said he loved me when he was on stage was for to many, so seeing it happen to my best friend was the best thing on the planet.

Jodie had completely fallen for Luke and hated the fact that the tour was coming to an end and that she would have to go home and live her life without him being there.

"Jodie I have something to ask you." Luke said when we had gone into a café to have some lunch, once 4 table had been put together to fit all 13 of us around.

"What is it Luke." Jodie asked looking at him

"I don't want to leave you, I want you to move in with me." Luke said

"Luke." Jodie said

"I want to live in London with you; I can't be apart from you." Luke said

"I don't want to be apart from you as well." Jodie said smiling

"That it then you'll move in with me." Luke said looking for hopeful

"Yeah I will." Jodie said and they kissed

The rest of us clapped and cheered.

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