Chapter 28

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Christmas came round really fast, I left like I had not stopped since September, and over October half term we took River to Disney for the week just the 3 of us which was a lovely family holiday and great fun and we had a great time but it is now Christmas and I was 2 months away from baby arriving, and getting really uncomfortable again but we still didn't have a name so me and Dougie thought that we would what we did for River and put 5 names in a hat and let the boys pick.

Sebastian, Alex, Benjamin, Elijah and Oliver for first names and Philip, Jackson, miller, Andrew, Casper as middle names.

So on the last rehearsal before the Christmas show in London, River and I went in after school for name picking. As it had been Matt and Harry who had picked Rivers name Tom and James would do it this time and if we had any more then Danny and Dougie would pick.

"Hey guys." I said holding Rivers hand, but she let go when she sow Dougie and ran to sit on his lap

"Right the time has come again for name picking just like for River we have 10 name, 5 first names and 5 middle name so...... James pick a first name." I said holding the hat out to James picked one and it Sebastian (seb for short). "Tom you pick one." I said holding out and other hat for him and out came Casper.

"So Sebastian Casper Poynter. I like it." I said smiling

"But It will be Seb for short right?" Dougie said

"Yeah unless he's up to no good." I said smiling we had told River that we were having a boy and she was over the moon

River and I stuck around for a bit but then went home to put the Christmas tree up and as Buzz was coming round later we only put the tree up and would decorate it when Buzz came round.

I love the Christmas holiday, it would bring everyone together mum was coming down with Edward, Edward only being 16 had to come with. Joseph was off skiing with his girlfriend/ soon to be fiancée because they had been together just over 6 years and he was proposing to her on Christmas Eve.
"mum" I said opening the door 3 days before Christmas day.

"hey babe." She said hugging me

"hey Edward. I think River is playing in the pool with Buzz if you want to go and find them." I said once Edward had given me a hug

"Thanks Rhi." He said going out the back

Mum brought everything in and Dougie put the clothes in to the 2 spare room and presents under the tree.

Dougie was driving me round the bend he stopped me from picking anything heavy up.

I made tea for everyone then sat and chilled.

It was lovely to see mum and Christmas past in the blink of an eye and before I knew it it was new year.

Where had the year gone?


Mum left just after new year, next was Rivers birthday and for her birthday we were taking her to London zoo for the day.

3 days before her birthday.

"River who is coming on Friday?" I asked when she got back from school

"Buzz." River said

"Just Buzz?" I asked

"And James and Harry & Izzy and Tom & Gi and Danny & Georgia and Matt & Emma and Pete & Carrie and Jodie & Luke. Michael, Calum and Ash." She said

"You don't want any friends from school to come?" I said

"Nope, they are my friends." She said

"fair play." I said

River went upstairs to her room and I could hear her guitar being played.
I sent a text to everyone about Friday and they all wanted to come. I then rang up the zoo to tell them we were coming, because its January it quiet so we wouldn't get to much hassle.

River 8th birthday the plan was for everyone to come to ours then head off to the zoo together.

So at 9 o'clock they turned up.

"Happy birthday." they shouted when River came down from her room
Dressed and ready to go.

"Thanks everyone." She said smiling

"We can do you birthday presents now or when we get back." I said to River

"When we get back." She said

"Great come on let's get going." I said smiling

We had a great day at the zoo and it was lovely to spend time with River before baby arrived.

It was just gone 6:30 before we got back and River wanted to do her presents. This was fine.

"Here we are." James said handing River his present

He had got framed the picture that was taken when we were in Oz of him and River walking along the beach hand in hand.

"Oh James I love it." River said hugging in

Once all the presents were open then River went up to bed. One by one people started to leave, until it was just me, Dougie and Jodie and Luke.

"Come on babe let's get home." Luke said helping Jodie up

I had been feeling slightly strange all day, so I just wanted to crawl into bed which is what I did when Jodie and Luke had left.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a stabbing pain in my stomach.

"Dougie, Dougie I think it happening dougie." I said shock him awake and he was awake within second

"River come on." He shouted up the stairs.

He called James who was around within like 10 minutes

"Thanks James."  I said kissing him on the cheek on the way out

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