Chapter 9

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Over the next couple of month the shows took its toll on me I was so tired so when it got to 20 shows in and time to have a couple of days off I was looking forward to it. I was so glad to get home and have a couple of days peace to just chill.

"Morning babe." Dougie said wrapping his arms around me

"Hi babe." I said kissing him on the head

"Sleep well." Dougie asked

"Yeah nothing like you own bed." I said rolling over

"Yeah I know." Dougie said

We got up got dressed and had breakfast then the boys came round

"Hey." I said opening the door

"Hey Rhi, ready to head off." Tom asked

"Yeah 5 minutes and we should be ready. Dougie have you got River." I shouted

"Yeah I have she's here." Dougie said holding Rivers hand as she walked to the door

"Great." I said smiling

We got back onto the road and headed to Leeds for 3 shows.

"Good evening sir." The guard said to Matt

"Evening max." Matt said

"Sorry miss you can't come in here." Max said to me

"Why not?" I ask

"Because you're not allowed, this is a band area only." Max said

"Max she's with us." Matt said smiling

"Sorry Matt she is not allowed." Max said

"Hang on, I have my pass." I said pulling out my purse and handing him my First aid pass to allow me to get in

"Very well miss." He said letting me in

"Flip sake." Dougie said

"Chill babe." I said kissing him on the cheek

"Who did he think you were some crazy fan?" Dougie said

"Don't worry." I said smiling at him

The show was mental and it was brilliant and a great laugh.

I loved being on tour, River was enjoying being with the boys and being around them.

"ma." She said pointing at matt

"matt." I said to her

"Ma" she said smiling

I laughed and so did the other boys she then pointed at James and said "jam."

"Strawberry." James Said I was laughing so hard I fell off my chair

"om." River said and she pointed at Tom

"Tom." I said smiling still

"arry arry mama." She said running over to harry and holding out her arms and harry picked her up and said "hello baby girl." He kissed her on the head and smiled

Harry looked so pleased that River had tried to say his name

She then pointed at "anny."

"I'm not a female." Danny said laughing 

"You're a clever little munchkin." Dougie said walking over to Harry and taking River

The show was great and half way through the show dougie said "how are we all tonight." The crowd went wild then he said "this next song was written over 20 years ago and it's a song to this day that I love. This is 5 colours in her hair."
Me and River were dancing along and she loved it I put her down near to the end of the song and before I could catch her she had run onto the stage, dougie picked her up

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