Chapter 1

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A/N I'm editing this entire story at the moment, I hope y'all enjoy it and let me know what you think! This is the first story I ever wrote on quotev so please bare with the chapters where the writing is a little horrid, I was a wee little thing when I wrote it xD. The chapters that have no name are the one's that I have finished editing as of now.

It was Friday morning and you were heading to the bus stop feeling exhausted. As you approached the single sign that stood among the snow that gathered there Kyle and Cartman were arguing about something stupid like that always did. Stan was trying to get them to stop while Kenny was staring off into space, his eyes were wide open but his mind was gone. A smirk made its way to your face as you circled around the sign sneaking up to Kenny in a crouched position, he continued to stand tall as you jumped up gripping his shoulders "Kenny!!!" Your voice boomed at a high pitched tone.

The other boys had jumped slightly at your sudden voice but Kenny didn't even flinch. He turned around his sky blue eyes staring at yours with a smile etched onto his face. A pout made its way to your face similar to that of a child, "Hey." Kenny said softly as he stepped aside to let you stand beside him. You stepped up and stood beside all four of them, "Why didn't you get scared?" You whined, Kenny's eyes rolled as a smirk played its way to his face.

"Aw, I don't get scared sweet heart." He winked right after his words causing your face to heat up. "Don't call me sweet heart." Your hand ran to your H/c hair, running your hand through it as the bus came up at a fast pace.

=======Time skip to Lunch=======

The bell rung indicating lunch time had come. A smile came to your face as you walked down the hall ways watching as kids made their way to the lunch room along side you. Clyde came into sight as he was leaning against a locker, you ran up beside him so you could walk with him to the lunch room like you always did. Clyde had been your beside from since you were little, he helps whenever it's needed and would show up whenever you needed him. He was the first person you met when you came to the school, your first impression was that he was just a player who doesn't have any feelings since he always flirted with every girl, but boy were you wrong. He was so emotional, a complete cry baby. But even with Clyde being that way he was still someone who welcomed you to the school and you were grateful to have met him.

"Hey Clyde!" You said cheerfully as you skipped to stand beside him. "Hey Y/n," A smirk played its way to Clyde's face as he wriggled his eyebrows, "You finally wanna date?" You pointed your finger to your mouth as a gagging noise made its way out, both of you began laughing at that point. The way you two joked always made you relax. Your E/c eyes glanced around to see everyone was staring at you two. Your hand shot to your face covering the blush that was beginning to form. Embarrassment bubbled up causing your stomach to turn in knots, your eyes shot to the ground to avoid the contact of everyone else. "Um, Can I sit with you guys today?" You questioned nervously.

A smile formed on Clyde's face but no words came out to answer, "T-The reason is because Wendy and Red are at the girls table and we're not really friends and they giving me glares and I though maybe-" You began babbling on as your mind raced a mile a minute, it was a nervous habit that happened to you when your nerves were out of control.

"Y/n, of course you can, you don't need to ask." A chuckle escaped Clyde's mouth as you started smiling uncontrollably. "Thank you!" You almost screamed out in excitement as Clyde grabbed your hand and started pulling you to their table.

"Hey." Clyde said as you two approached the table, the only two there was Token and Tweek. "Hey guys!" You sang out as you sat between Tweek and Token. Token's eyes shot forward and a smile made its way to his face, "Hey Y/n, you didn't sit with the girls today?" His dark brown eyes met yours but you immediately looked down to your food, you never liked to share your business especially about who you like and dislike. "Oh! Uhm, I just wanted to switch up and sit with you guys." You replied while taking a bite of bread that sat on your tray.

You felt a pair of glaring eyes, you glanced up to see Clyde narrowing them at you and a smile formed. He didn't like when you told a lie. Tweek knocked into you a couple times causing you to jump each time, "Hey Tweek, are you okay?" Your voice came out soft and kind as your eyes followed up to his eyes which were as wide as an O. "GAH! Too much pressure!" Suddenly Tweek stood up in a haste and ran out of the lunch room leaving his tray behind with all his food laying on his tray. "T-Tweek?" you muttered as you stared at the other two who were chuckling. You shook your head and began eating the rest of your food.

Shortly after that the lunch bell rung out causing people to stand up and leave the Cafeteria. You sat there a little longer as you watched the crowd of people dwindle down. The next class was Mr. Garrisons, you hated that class because all he talked about was the damn Kardashians, it annoyed you to death. A sigh escaped your lips as you stood up from your seat heading towards the double doors. Clyde walked alongside you in silence as the two of you made your way to Mr. Garrison's together.

Clyde pushed the door open to the classroom and strutted in with confidence, a chuckle escaped your lips as you walked in slowly behind him, he was such a dork thinking he was cool and acting cocky. The bell rung again indicating that it was time for class, you walked between Kyle and Craig taking your seat, you never really liked sitting between the two but you had to. "Why weren't you at lunch?" you questioned as your eyes ran to Craig, you knew he always sat with Clyde and them but today he wasn't even there, typically he was in detention but still. Craig's reply was a scoff and that was it, you rolled your eyes and pulled out your notebook.

Throughout the class as Mr. Garrison talked you drew out a drawing of an eye with the Eiffel Tower being reflected. As your drawing came to an ending you moved away from it stretching out your hand from all the cramps that had formed. Suddenly a finger poked your shoulder causing you to jump. Your eyes snapped over to the source to see Kyle smiling lightly, "That's a nice drawing." Kyle said indicating to my piece of paper. My face turned bright red and you threw your hand over your drawing immediately. Kyle in return jumped at it and his face turned a little red, "What do you want?" You questioned as his eyes snapped back up to yours.

He cleared his throat, "So, the guys and I were going to go to a party tonight and wanting to know if you would join." You debated the thought in your head for a little bit, you had never been to a party before, it would be your first. "I guess, maybe it'll be fun." You felt your nerves begin to take over but you forced it down with a smile. Kyle returned the smile and turned forward to Mr. Garrison as he continued to talk about celebrities. You tuned him out and face forward for the rest of the class period until the bell rung.

As the bell rung your trance was snapped and you blinked a few times to reconnect with reality. You grabbed the end of your notebook and snapped it shut as people were beginning to file out of the room. "That was a good drawing." Kenny whispered into your ear, you jumped a the sudden voice and looked over your shoulder to come face to face with Kenny.

Your eyes stared in his sky blue eyes causing your heart to pound. "I-Uh-" Your words began tripping over themselves as you packed away the rest of your stuff and raced out of the room avoiding Kenny overall. You weren't use to this feeling and it made you nervous.

His voice called after you from within the room but you continued to run down the hall way, your eyes closing in the process. You turned a sharp corner and fell on your ass in an instant. "Fuck." You cursed silently as your eyes made contact with a wet floor sign. Of course that happened now, after everything that just happened. A sigh rang out as you stood up and began walking to your house, Kenny shouldn't have chased you this far.

He's going to tell Cartman everything that just happened, Cartman although you don't talk to him a lot he will make your high school year hell. That was the exact reason you tried to avoid him half the time. You sighed as your eyes fell forward onto the sidewalk, you'll be forever mocked...

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