Can this be true love? Part 16

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A/N I remind myself to post and yet it still passes my mind ugh ;-; well sorry I'll post 2 parts today!!!!

it was starting to turn dark outside which meant it was time to head to starks pond..... you were quietly crying you couldn't stop you knew what was gonna happen your dad's gonna die just because of you a tear slid down your face just as he came in through the door "aw don't cry, soon you will die with your father" he gave a grin that sent chills down your back, then he started untying you he would tug on the rope once in awhile but if you play it right you might be able to get out alive for you and your father,

"I need to go to the bathroom" you stated crossing your legs and faking it that was the best thing you could come up with crap "what can't you hold it!" his face said it all he didn't want to be near you "no I can't hold it I am a girl Idiot! so let me go" he then started to debate on whether to let you "fine, but you only have a minute" he then started to walk you to the bathroom "but a minute is too fast" you needed more time "fine 2 minutes and that's all" you went into the bathroom and locked the door, you started looking around for an exit ha almost when you were with Kenny.... but there was no windows just like the school "stupid why" you sat down on the floor leaning against the wall looking at the ceiling, "I ruined their lives" you looked up at the ceiling you have to keep your family safe under any circumstances no matter what,

2 minutes passed by and you came out with a frown "what you went to the bathroom" he looked so puzzled you must have been confusing him, is he that dumb? "leave me alone" was all you replied with you couldn't think of a plot when you guys get to starks pond stupid, he grabbed your hands and tied them back up even tighter than the first time he then put the tape over your mouth so you couldn't speak, you closed your eyes and looked outside the front door, he gave you a shove which made you trip over your feet "Really!" you screamed at him your knee got scraped "just get moving!" he yelled back which made you jump, you casually stood up and walked out of the door heading towards starks pond with him close behind you great.

you guys got to starks pond you slowly walking looking around for your dad and there he was on the bench waiting your eyes started becoming teary crap, he turned his head right to you his face with such sadness in it "well hello there Gary. how have you been." the tone in his voice was victorious before he even won it made you cringe a bit "give me back my daughter George" your fathers tone was harsh and stern "why would I do that when I could just kill her" he put the gun to your head pulling the safety lock off, you tried getting free from his grip but it didn't work he was just holding to tight "just one bullet in the gun" and that bullet is going right through your head "Stop let her go she didn't do anything! I did" your dad trying to get himself killed over you no he can't do that to mom or even you "yes but I want you to suffer" he put it closer to your head and whispered in your ear "goodbye" you closed your eyes tears leaking from them you don't care if you look weak now.... You never got to say bye to Kenny or your friends,

in almost an instant someone hit the ground hard with the gun going off, you turned your head and your (E/C) eyes widened at what you saw he was there to help you, "Kenny" you whispered in a low voice he saved you....... he untied your wrist and took the tape off your mouth when the tape came off you had a small smile on your face, you ran up to him and squeezed him tight you were happy he came "Run to the woods!!!!" your father yelled while he was running towards you guys but just at that moment Kenny grabbed your hand and started to pull you through the woods how could you just leave your dad like that,"Thank you Kenny" you said in a low voice but out of the corner you saw him smirk "I would never let a pretty girl get hurt" you guys stopped and looked at each other your face was completely red "well Kenny I-I do have something to tell " he looked at you with those beautiful sky blue eyes that you could just stare at for your whole life which could be forever, "w-well I-" you were cut off by a single gunshot and the only thing on your mind now is your dad, you turned around and started running in the direction of Starks pond you don't care what Kenny was yelling after you, your father could have been shot.

you got to Starks pond looking around and what you saw there left you breathless your father on the ground and George holding the gun "DAD!" you ran to his side and saw the bullet near his heart "no no no this can't be happening" you said in a low voice with a few whimpers, "why are you back, I told you to run" your dad was choking up blood and tear started to come out of your eyes "I-I heard the gunshot" all you could get out was that why did this happen?!?!? you held the spot where the gunshot was "don't worry your gonna be alright" you tried to keep reassuring him but your pretty sure you were saying that about yourself, but you knew he was gone why can't you accept it "(Y/N) you have to go, I'll be alright" he was trying to get you away but you are not moving not when he's like this "No I am not moving!" you looked up to see the gun at your head 'looks like this is the end, and you still never told Kenny how you felt' you looked back down and kissed your dad's forehead "I love you dad" and with that he his eyes slowly close, you looked up and he was pulling the trigger, you closed your eyes shut just as when you were in that place, but just as he was about to pull it someone hit into him and he hit the floor, it was Kenny! "Kenny stop or you're gonna die!" your tears stained your face they couldn't stop, you didn't want him dead either he's the only thing you got, Kenny grabbed the gun and shot George near the heart maybe a few centimeters from it but he was now coughing up blood looks like he was lieing about how many bullets was in there, your face was filled with joy, sadness, happiness, and every emotion there every was you looked back to your dead and kissed his face one more time, you got up and ran to Kenny which made him drop the gun. He was holding you in his arms very tightly there were sirens going off in the distance which made you smile even more it's all done now,

but that was thought to soon the 3rd gunshot went off....... you looked up to Kenny with a pale face you turned around and George held the gun smiling insanely, he hit the ground and dropped the gun closing his eyes, you lost your footing and fell to the ground blood coughing up you've been shot....

this is the end, "(Y/N)!" Kenny yelled after you started losing conscious but not yet you need to tell him "K-Kenny" you said in a hushed tone "Kenny I love you, I wanted to tell you earlier but then the..... gun shot went off and I ran" some tears rolled down your face, Kenny was silent he was like frozen "I love you Kenny and I'm sorry I'm leaving you" tears hit your face sliding down it "Don't cry Ken-" "Don't tell me not to cry!" he yelled back with such hurt in his voice "I love you! I don't want you gone! not now!" more tears hit your face more you slowly brought your hand up and whipped his face your hand shaking "I will always be with you" sirens started becoming louder but it was already to late your vision became blurry, breathing becoming heavy you look up Kenny was shaking you but you had no feeling "goodbye Ken-"..................................................................................

A/N Don't worry it hasn't ended just yet! the next chapter will be the same night, but as Kenny's POV , well hope you enjoyed this chapter I wonder is (Y/N) alive? how can Kenny react if she isn't? See at the next chapter <3

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now