Chapter 8

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As you and Kenny approached your house your mind was running a mile a minute, what were you going to say to them? What should you say. "W-Wait here Kenny, I'll be out quickly. I don't know what my parents are going to say and you know." You mumbled the last part out low, Kenny just nodded in response and your hand reached for the door knob. You threw the door open in a swift fashion and shut the door behind you to keep Kenny concealed from them seeing him.

You parents were in the living room sitting on the living room couch, as you walked in their eyes snapped towards you and your mother came running, throwing you in her arms. "Y/n!" She cried out as her death grip held onto you tight. "Where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick!"

Your hand ran to your hair and you ran it through as a nervous habit, "I-I'm sorry, A friend and I got locked inside the school after they close it and our phones died. I had no way of contacting." You kept your lips sealed in regards to the friend being Kenny. Your dad stood up from his spot and sighed loudly. Your hand ran through your hair as you continued, "They kinda are waiting outside for me, we are going to get coffee. I have to go change though." You mumbled out as your parents continued to stare you down, "After all that you're already leaving?" You nodded your head as a sigh escaped your lips. "I-I mean it wasn't my fault." With those final words you ran up the stairs in a swift fashion to avoid your parents from replying in any way.

You threw on a Pink sweater this time and pair of black jeans with a black beanie. You looked at yourself in the mirror to see the colors meshing well causing a smile to form on your lips. "Perfect." You mumbled as you stepped out of the room and skipped down the stairs to see your parents in the kitchen talking about your actions from earlier. You quietly sneaked towards the door and opened the door quietly as to not draw attention. As you took a step out you shut the door swiftly and ran to Kenny grabbing his hand and pulling him down the street.

"Y-Y/n?" He questioned as the two of you were further down the street. You glanced back to see no one stepping outside of your house allowing you to slow down to a walk again and a smile form on your cheeks. "S-Sorry about that." You chuckled aloud as you and Kenny walked towards the front door of Tweak's Coffee shop a smile forming on your lips as you began to taste your delicious drink.

"Everything okay?" Kenny asked as the two of you got your drinks and walked back to a booth in the corner. You slipped in first and took a seat expecting Kenny to sit opposite of you but instead he slipped in right beside setting his drink down beside you and blocking your way out. "Yeah, my parents just like to know where I am." You sighed slightly as your eyes followed down to your drink, "Shouldn't you let your parents know where you are?" You asked softly as your eyes trailed back to his light blue ones.

"They don't care." Kenny muttered underneath his breath, hurt clearly evident in his tone. Your heart broke slightly at the disappoint and hurt. "Well, If they don't care I will." You whispered underneath your breath, you didn't know Kenny could hear you but suddenly an arm was wrapped around your shoulder. "Thank you Y/n." You chuckled underneath your breath as you looked him in the eyes. "I think it's time for me to walk you home now don't you think?" You cheerfully stated as the two of you stood from your spot.

"As tempting as that may be, I would never let a girl walk home alone." A smile played its way to your face as you nodded. "O-Okay, let's go then." By this point it had turned noon, the streets were empty because people were either at school, or work.

The two of you approached your house and Kenny leaned against the door frame a smirk playing on his lips. "Well thank you for getting coffee with me." A blush formed on your cheeks and you glanced away towards the door. "I-I mean, it was fun. D-Do you want to come in and hangout?" Your question came out with an innocent tone, your hand ran to your hair at that moment from a nervous habit. "Of course I would love to, anything for a cute girl." His tone came out more seductively causing your face to heat up even more. Your hand reached for the door knob and you opened it slowly glancing inside to see if your parents were anywhere.

When you saw no one you pushed it open the rest of the way letting the both of you to come in. They must've been at work now. "My (X-box or playstation) is in my room." You pointed towards the stairs and began heading towards the stairs, Kenny followed behind as you jumped up the stairs.

You pushed your door opened and immediately spun around slamming it with Kenny right behind you. "W-What the hell Y/n!" Kenny cried out from the other end, you ran around your room and began throwing things into your closet ending in your room being squeaky clean. As soon as the room was cleaned you approached the door again and opened it to come face to face with Kenny. "D-Did that hurt?" You questioned nervously as you opened the door entirely letting Kenny come into the room. "I uh, you got tissues?" Kenny questioned softly, your eyes widened when you noticed blood starting to drip down his face. "O-Oh my god I'm so sorry!" You pushed by him slightly and ran to your bathroom where you grabbed a towel and wet it then grabbed a couple tissues. After collecting all of it you came back into your room and shut the door behind. You walked up to Kenny who had his eyebrow cocked upwards. "Here, let me." You reached your hand out and patted his nose where the blood had begun to dry slightly.

"If I knew I would be treated by a pretty girl, I would get hurt more often." A smirk playing its way to his lips, A blush formed on your cheeks as you switched over to the wet towel to clean the remaining blood. "Is that your family?" He questioned as his hand pointed towards a picture that was mounted on the wall of your mom, dad, Anna, and yourself. "Y-Yeah." A slight mutter came to your lips. He nodded his head as your body had tensed at the question. "Come on let's play some games now yeah?" You questioned as your hand ran through your hair, Kenny nodded and the two of you walked over to the console and began playing together for the rest of the time.

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