Can this be true love? Part 14

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You woke up thinking about mysterion again those mesmerizing eyes, well you do want to ask the guys if they knew anything about him because they lived here there whole life, for clothes you threw this on ,

You ran out of the house forgetting about Breakfast because your head was too clouded about mysterion you got to the bus stop and there were the 3 boys Cartman gave a smirk towards you which sent chills down your spine why would he give you a smile? It looked .... Evil "uhm hey guys" you walked up to them Kenny turned and gave you a wave "hey (Y/N)" Stan said a few minutes and the stupid bus driver came with the bus and out of the corner of your eye you saw Kenny staring at you "what do I have anything on my face?" You looked at Kenny tilting your head in a playful manner "No" it was weird Kenny wasn't acting the same way today it was like he knew something.

You guys got to school "Kenny do you know who Mysterion is?" You had your suspicions "yes he's the protector of South Park" you rolled your (E/C) eyes and he chuckled " no dofus I was talking about do you know who he is" he rolled his sky blue eyes and thats when it hit you "no one k-" he was cut off when you half screamed it your (E/C) orbs widened in shock Mysterion was right in front of you "Mysterion..." Kenny's eyes opened up so wide "your... Myst" your sentence was cut off by Kenny's hand going over your mouth his eyes were widened he seemed worried you tried getting his hand away but it didn't work after awhile the halls were empty only a few students here and there you started getting annoyed so you bite his hand and he let go holding his hand "Why did you bite my hand" like the question wasn't so obvious "next time don't put your hand over my mouth!" You looked at him in the eyes "so are you him" you raised one eyebrow at him "yes... It's true I'm him" he looked upset that you found out which made you feel bad "why didn't you tell me" his head was down looking at the ground you lifted his head up but his eyes were still on the ground "okay Kenny would you like to skip school with me" Kenny's eyes darted up fast at the word skip he nodded and you 2 made your way out of the school not speaking it was a comfortable silence until Kenny spoke up "(Y/N) why are you skipping?" you were also trying to found out why you ditch you know one of the reasons but there's another it's because of him "if I have to tell you it's because of you and I think Fatass is planning something against me" he laughed at that which made you smile he then pinched your cheek and you jumped backwards "what was that for" your face turned red and you turned your back you didn't want him to see your face but you swear you could hear him snickering.

you and Kenny ate a whole pizza by yourselves but now you feel sick "remind me to never eat that much pizza ever again" he laughed at how you were fake puking"here you can take the leftover pizza" you handed him the pizza box the reason was because you knew he was poor and he had Karen and she was probably hungry "really!" he seemed excited which made you happy "wait but you paid for it" his excitement level was low now and you it made you frown "No take it i'm forcing you too" you wanted him to enjoy it and not worry about who paid for it he then smiled "okay thanks so much (Y/N)" his smile is so cute "yeah no problem well i'm heading home see ya" you wished you could see him smile like that all the time "wait let me walk you home" you turned around to see Kenny catching up to you "but you guys need to eat the pizza when it's hot so go I am capable of walking home by myself am I not?" you punch him in the arm playfully which made him smile again you wish he could never stop smiling "Okay but text me once you get home here's my number" Kenny then handed you his number which made you smile "O-Okay that's fine" you bite your tongue from stuttering he laughed at that "alright bye sweetheart" your checks turned to a crimson red from 'Sweetheart' who does he think he is to say that, whatever you started to walk on the snow covered sidewalk it was snowing so you stuck your tongue out and tried to catch some snow on it there was tires coming near you so you turned your head to it to see a van the door swung open and before you could run there was a hand that pulled you into the van 'shit' was all you could think the last thing you heard was "That''s what you get bitch" then you lost consciousness.

you woke up your hands and feet were tied to a chair and you had tape over your mouth you looked up no one was in the room it looked like a run down house the wallpaper was peeling and some of the wood on the floor was sticking up it was quiet until the door swung open to reveal your dad's old enemy.

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now