Chapter 3

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After that little incident that happened you have just left the party and went straight home. How could Kenny do that to someone, especially someone he was suppose to care about, or at least he should've done it in a nicer way. Anger was seething from you as you went up to your room and slammed the door shut.

This time your face was red hot from anger and not embarrassment, Bebe had asked you if you could help her with a plan to get pay back and you had agreed to go along with it. Her plan had been solid and there was no way it could go wrong as long as you got the right people working it.


"So what's the plan?" You questioned as you leaned back onto her bed, he eyes burned through with that of revenge causing you to jump slightly at the intensity.

"First thing we'll have to do it get someone to help us out, more like you" She started as she suddenly stood up pacing the room floor. "Why does it have to be me?" You questioned as she stopped in her spot, she had ignored you completely and continued to talk about the plan, "First we will have you flirt with Kenny," Immediately as she said that I made a gagging noise, "You have got to be kidding me." I said as she began pacing again.

"No I'm not kidding, after that though you will start dating and find a way to capture his heart, make him love you, never want to lose you. And right after break it in two!" You shifted on the bed at that moment at ran a hand through your hand, "Have you met me?" You questioned as chuckle made its way out. "I'm shy, quiet, and hate attention." You said as Bebe just rolled her eyes.

"Kenny will go for that! You two already get along." You held your hand up at that point and shook your head, "We are not even close."

"It will work, you two will be. The plan will work. Please help me!" She pleaded as she gave you a small innocent smile, you sighed and stood up at that point, this girl can be so evil. "Alright, but you have to help me." You muttered as you looked down at the ground.

"Okay, we can start it Monday!" Bebe said enthusiastically, this girl has two different switches, happy and sad. You nodded your head in a disappointing matter and then pointed to out the door. "Come on, you should be enjoying your party." Bebe nodded her head and jumped up grabbing my hand in the process, dragging me down the stairs in a fast motion.

==== Back to present ====

You heart was jumping out of your chest as you continued to lay down on your silky F/c sheets, was this really the way Bebe wanted to go? you questioned as you let your hand fall onto your bed. Does he deserve his heart to be broke? Does anyone really. Exhaustion had taken over your body and within seconds of your mind filling with questions you had fallen asleep with dreams of the plan.

==== The Next Day Saturday ====

3AM popped up on your alarm as you woke up with a bead of sweat dripping down your temple, your breathing was hitched and you were shaking from the nightmare that just ran through your sleep, the same nightmare over and over and over again. It never ends, you curled yourself into a ball on the bed and clutched onto a pillow to your chest at the same time. The same nightmare, when will it end, what does it mean. A single tear dripped down your cheek as you laid down in bed unable to fall back asleep.

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