Chapter 5

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Sunday flew by in a flash while you took care of your little sister Anna, she was far younger than yourself and her personality the complete opposite, she was friendly and outgoing. You tended to always take care of her ever since your parents started picking up mote shifts.

Now today is Monday and you woke up at 5:30AM, you groggily sat up was within your bed and stumbled towards the bathroom hitting the wall along the way.

You walked into the bathroom and took a nice hot shower for 30 minutes, as you stepped out you threw on a long sleeve sweater dress, it hung right above your knees and had diamond like patterns surrounding the hemline. You trailed back to your room and threw on the first beanie you found which turned out to be you F/c one.

You stepped out of your room and eyed the paintings that hung along the wall, your mind was racing back and forth as the thought of Bebe's plan ran through it. Today was suppose to be the first day to the plan is put into motion. You walked down the stairs and turned to head towards the kitchen, your nose catching the heavenly smell of bacon and eggs.

You almost jumped in joy because that meant your mom was home, she only ever made breakfast when she was home. I walked into the kitchen and saw Anna sitting at the dining table swinging her legs back and forth as she took a big mouthful of an egg, she turned her head towards me and started waving firiously with her cheeks puffed out.

I took a seat beside her and my mom plopped bacon and scrambled eggs with bacon and chipotle mayo on the side, my favorite condiment in the entire world.

"Thank you mom, why are you home today?" I questioned as I took a mouth full of my eggs. She chuckled at my action and gave a toothy grin, "My boss told me to come in later." I nodded my head in understanding and continued to gobble down the food.

Shortly after that I was running to the bus stop because I hadn't realized time had passed by so quickly.

As I reached the bus stop all the boy were getting onto the bus leaving me to get on at last and sit on a seat beside Tweek, I flashed him a small smile which he just returned with a twitch, hitting me slightly in the process.

==== Flash forward to school ====

Throughout the entire day it had been slow and uneventful, you sighed as you started walking towards Clyde for lunch again. "Hey Clyde." Clyde smiled back indicating a hello and the two of you continued walking towards the lunch room. As you entered your eyes scanned the room for Bebe. She was standing up away from the girls looking around the room, "Clyde, I'm going to be sitting with Bebe today." You sent him a smile as his eyebrow cocked upwards. "You two are cool now?" Clyde stared you down as you shifted between feet. "W-Well yeah, we talked about it." You shrugged your shoulders as you hand went up quickly waving a goodbye before he could say another word.

"Hey Bebe!" You called out, she snapped her head towards you and a smile graced her features. "Hey Y/n." As you approached her she turned around and started walking towards the line to get our food. "Are you worried he will know?" You muttered out as the two of you picked up your trays and walked towards a table that was unoccupied.

"Absolutely not, he's not smart you know." Bebe puffed out as she ran her hand through her light blonde hair. You rolled your eyes in response, hes not stupid either. As the two of you sat you took a bite of your bread that always came with the meal and began pondering whether or not this was a smart plan. Kenny could have Cartman make your life a living hell if he found out the truth. You sighed as your thoughts started to become too much.

"But what if-" Suddenly Bebe cut you off with haste throwing her hand up, "Its not happening, just trust me girl." You sighed in defeat, throwing your hands up in the process. "Okay, okay. I give up you're right." Bebe smirked in victory as her eyes trailed to Kenny sitting with the other guys, laughing and joking around. You could see sorrow fill her eyes, "Here, go sit with the other girls, I'll start your plan." You gave her a half smile as she turned her attention back to you nodding her head. You stood up almost immediately after from your seat and began heading over towards Kenny and his table. As you approached Kyle's eyes widened and he waved. "Hey Y/n!" You flashed a smile his way as you took a seat between Kenny and Stan, your face heating up slightly.

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