Chapter 11

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Your eyes slowly opened up your eyes, your neck as aching like crazy, must've woken up on the wrong side. You turned over in your bed and slowly stood up throwing on a black tank top with a jean jacket over it, your jeans were black and ripped and your threw on your favorite beanie again. Your eyes scanned the mirror slowly and looked up and down. A smile coming to your face as you approved your outfit. You went to the stairs and skipped all the way down, no smell of breakfast hit your nose leaving a sigh to escape your lips.

"The usual.' You mumbled as you approached the kitchen to once again see a note hanging. You walked up to it and read over it:

Dear (Y/N),

Sorry Hun, I was called to the office early this morning so I couldn't make you breakfast your father is still sleeping if you have time would you please make Breakfast

Love, mom

The usual you thought as you trailed over to the cabinets and pulled out two plates, you figured your sister might be hungry too. You started making some pancakes on the stove when suddenly a knock came to the door, your eyes trailed over to it but you couldn't see anyone outside. You sighed as you left it on and ran over to the door swinging it open to come face to face with Kenny.

"Kenny what are you doing here?" You asked with a raised eyebrow, you stepped aside and allowed him to enter shutting it behind him. "Oh my god my pancakes!" You screeched as you ran to the kitchen and to your pancakes that were cooking. You immediately flipped them over to reveal that they were the perfect shade of brown. "Oh thank you."

Kenny had come in behind you with a smirk on his lips. "Well I came to get you today." His eyes trailed over to the pancakes that were still cooking causing a smile to come to your face. "What a gentleman, please take a seat. Let me get you a plate." You walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a plate placing it in front of him with the syrup sitting there too. You walked back over to the griddle and began plopping them onto a big plate meanwhile refilling the griddle with more.

Within seconds Anna came down rubbing her eyes as they fell onto Kenny and you. "You're awake!" You cheered sarcastically as you threw some pancakes onto her plate and handing it to her. "P-Pancakes?" She questioned softly as she walked up to the table and plopped a ton of syrup on it. "Yes pancakes." You finished putting the rest of them on the plate and walked up to the table, you watched as Anna's eyes traveled from Kenny's to yours and then a smirk came to her lips. "I'll go eat in the living room, my show it on." You narrowed your eyes almost immediately as you stared at her, "What show might that be?" A giggle left her lips as she just shrugged and ran off into the living room with a plate full of pancakes. You rolled your eyes and took a seat across from Kenny who was just staring at you.

"S-Stop that Kenny, it's creepy." You muttered out, in all honesty it wasn't creepy, you just didn't want him to watch you. "S-Sorry." He mumbled out as he took a big bite out of his pancakes, his eyes growing wide in the process. A giggle escaped your lips as he looked up at yours. "Good ain't it?" You asked as a smile came to his lips. "They are delicious." The two of you then finished eating in silence, Anna came in with a smirk in the middle and dropped off her dirty dishes then took off to the bus that was waiting for her. You just rolled your eyes in the process.

"Alright, let's go." You threw the dishes between the two of you in the sink and put the syrup away. Kenny was standing by the door at this point his eyes trailing to the top of the stairs. "Come on." You said as you opened up the door stepping out into the cold air. "Okay." Kenny mumbled behind, you had taken multiple steps ahead glancing at the time before you turned left. The bus already left meaning the two of you were late for that. "We have to walk." You sighed softly as Kenny caught up to you a smile plastered on his lips. "That's okay more time with you." He winked towards you causing a light blush to dust your cheeks. "Mhm." You muttered out as the two of you made your way to school.

Time skip <3

The two of you made it to school before the bell rung, shockingly. You felt eyes glued onto you as the both of you walked towards class you laughing alongside Kenny as he made a joke. You had glanced around to catch eye of anyone, but no one was around that would be staring. You shook it off as the two of you entered the class and you took your seat beside Kyle and Craig. Your eyes scanned your surroundings as they soon fell on Bebe who had a sad look in her eyes. You cocked your eye brow up but she immediately glanced away towards Mr. Garrison as he was talked about god knows what.

"Bebe, you okay?" You whispered as your eyes glanced at her slightly, she shook her head and sighed as her head went down to the desk. Something was definitely wrong, you'll have to ask after class.

As class dwindled down to its last seconds you snapped around on Bebe and tapped her. "We need to talk." She looked at you and shook her head, "At 5." She then stood up from her spot without another word and walked off towards Red and Wendy.

You shook your head in confusion when suddenly a tap met your shoulder, your eyes followed towards the individual and Kenny came into view. A smile formed on your lips as you stood up straight, "Hey Kenny, what's up?" You asked as he ran his hand to the back of his head.

"Do you wanna eat lunch together? I know a pretty place." You noticed a slight Nervous tone in Kenny's voice almost like he was scared. You chuckled softly and nodded your head. "I would love to." Almost in a sudden flash Kenny's eyes had cheered up and he proceeded to grab your hand and pull you to the roof. The roof? You two approached the roof as he pushed it open allowing the cool air to hit your face. "Why are we here?" You questioned as he dragged you outside, Kenny waved around and he walked towards a spot that we could lean against.

"Okay, this is really pretty." You muttered as the two of you took a seat on the ground. "I didn't bring food though." Kenny had a smile on his face and he pulled out his backpack with two containers. "Your family made me food yesterday, and Karen insisted that I should bring you lunch so here." Kenny held out to contained which contained two slices of bread, peanut butter, and jelly. Your eyes widened at the sight. "Y-You didn't have to." You picked up the contained and opened it, a smile dusting your features.

"This is so sweet of you Kenny." Kenny had rubbed the back of his head again as he shortly opened up his container. "Yeah Yeah, I just thought you know." Silence fell between the two of you as you both ate the food in front of you, it tasted delicious even if it was just a Pb & J. The two of you stayed up there the rest of the period talking until the bell rung and you had to go to class. You never expected Kenny to do something as sweet as that.

The school ended shortly after that and you decided to go home and drop your bag off then go for a walk until time with Bebe. Your mind raced as you had walked around town, the sun going down slowly. Why would she be mad at you? What did you do. A sigh escape your lips as you continued to walk along. Suddenly a sound echoed out, your eyes snapped towards the location it came from and your heart rate picked up, you felt eyes watching your every move just like before. You narrowed your eyes into the alleyway trying to make out if anyone was there, "H-Hello?" You yelled out as you continued to stare, what's going on?

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now