Chapter 12

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After not seeing anyone down the alleyway you immediately started to pick up speed and continued to walk towards Bebe's house. Noises continued to stir around back there but you didn't want to see it, your heart rate picked up as you heard people yelling. Suddenly your body was tackled to the ground, you spun around in a swift motion to catch the eyes of the one who attacked you to come face to face with bright red hair all around in a frenzy. "YOU BITCH YOU HURT BEBE!" Her voice rung out sharply causing you to flinch, "N-" You started to say when suddenly a slap smacked your face, causing your face to swing to the side. You brought your hand to your face in disbelief as you stared at her glaring.

"I-I didn't hurt her, what is wrong with you guys." A tear slipped down your cheek slowly as the stinging sensation began to set in. "Red get off of her." Wendy said behind her, your eyes trailed to her and then they slowly caught eyes with Bebe for a second, she swiftly turned away avoiding eye contact.

"Bebe?" You asked as your expression displayed one of hurt, Red still remained on top of you as you felt her shift slightly to get up. "She doesn't want to talk to you." Red spat out as she stood up fully, you slowly leaned up onto your arms as you stared at the three dumbfounded. "What did I do, we were doing so fine." You muttered out as your hand finally reached your cheek, feeling the heat of it form.

"You took her ex boyfriend Kenny." Your eyes widened as you were beginning to stand up. Suddenly a swift kick to the stomach caused you to keel over, you gripped your stomach almost throw-up the food from lunch, lunch Kenny made for you. Why is she doing this wasn't this part of the plan? "T-That was part of the plan..." You whispered out as your stomach continued to turn over and over. "It wasn't part of the plan to really do it." Red pipped in again as a disgusted look appeared on her face, date Kenny? We weren't even dating. How did you steal him.

You would never have even done this had Bebe not asked you to, you would never take her ex from her. "Bebe... You don't believe me?" Hurtful was clear within your tone at this point and you eyes had released a few more tears. They had followed up to Bebe who just continued to stare out in space.

"Come on let's go, Bebe has seen enough." Wendy began saying, she had stayed quiet throughout the entire encounter, it was mainly Red speaking up. You turned over and glared at her. "Fine." She muttered as her hand went and gripped the front of your shirt, she pulled you up to have you meet face to face with her. What a bitch. In a split decision you spat in her face causing her to let go and pull both hands to her face. You took this opportunity to get up, your hands shooting out to your stomach as it continued to ache. As you spun around to take off a hand reached out and pulled your shirt, "Oh no your don't!" She scoffed as she pulled you back to the ground.

"Red come on!" Wendy called out, Red pulled you back up and glared hard, you watched as Wendy's hand touched Red's shoulder causing her to relax a bit. "Fine." She said and she threw you to the floor. As you reached the floor your head hit the ground causing a headache to sprang throughout your head. Your eyes slowly opened as you watched the three turn around and walk away. How could she do this. You pulled yourself up and walked to the alleyway and leaned against the wall that was there, you slowly slid down to the ground and tears brimmed your eyes threatening to spill over.

Your hand then shot up to your head and touched the spot where you had hit it. "Fuck..." You muttered out as your eyes closed, how could this have happened, nothing was even happening between you and Kenny.

"Why are you crying?" A husky voice called out from the end of the alleyway he kind of sounded like superman but creepy at the same time. Your eyes shot open and towards the figure, His entire face covered and a pair of underwear sat on the outside of his pants with a question mark springing out of his head. You tilted your head slightly as the outfit but that only caused your head to rang out in pain.

"N-nothing." You whispered out, you still felt tears were going to slide down your face but you tried to hold them back. You didn't know him, he was a random who was dressed rather weird. The only thing that showed were a paid of sky blue eyes, they were beautiful to stare at. They were similar to that of Kenny's eyes. "Why do you have a red mark on your cheek, you have a bit of blood there, and you appear pale." His hand pointed towards your head, you brought your hand up and touched the spot. As you brought your hand down your eyes widened, you did have a little blood there. Tears formed in your eyes at this point and you cradled your legs to your chest. You felt betrayed, heartbroken even.

A pair of arms wrapped around you, at first there were tense but soon they turned welcoming and comforting. You released your legs and around around the guys waist, you had this feeling of trust with him. Your arms squeezed him tightly as tears began to slide from your eyes. You felt his hand stroke your hair calmly. "Tell me what happened?" The guy asked again as he continued to hold on tight to you.

"I uh, my ex-best friend." You began sniffling slowly causing your words to break up, "She thinks I'm in love with her Ex-Boyfriend. A-And," You stuttered out, You felt his grip grow tighter, "I got my ass kicked by a bitch." You puffed out as tears began to fully slide down your eyes. "I-I just don't know what to do." You cried out softly as he moved to lay your head on his chest more. "It's okay-" As the guy began speaking, suddenly a voice called out. "Mysterion!" You pulled away swiftly from his grip slightly and shot your eyes out towards the person who had called out this Mysterion guy, that must be his name.

The other one was wearing a racoon outfit and was honestly rather chubby, You safe demeanor had turned into one of cautious. Suddenly the Mysterion guy tightened his grip and pulled you away from the racoon guy slightly. "What do you want coon?" His voice came out in his husky tone again, it intrigued you. You stared at the Coon and his eyes were staring at you, very intently. You shifted under his gaze as you begin to feel uncomfortable, he was just glaring daggers at you. "I-Uh." Your voice came out weak as you shifted on your feet. "I should go." Your eyes avoided the Coon's and went straight to the Mysterion. "T-Thank you." You muttered out as you turned around to walk away before that Coon guy could say anything else. Suddenly an arm caught your arm, you turned around and caught eyes with Mysterion. Why was he grabbing your arm? You were able to move your arm out of his grip and as you did so a sad look took over. You sent an apologetic look as you turned around again and walked away, this time not one stopping you.

As you approached your house the thought of Mysterion still rang through your mind. You seemed to not be able to get him out, not because of his outfit but his actions, his eyes. You opened the door quietly to avoid waking your parents up and took a step inside. As you placed your foot inside your eyes ran to your mother who was sitting on the cough watching a show, she turned around and started at you with her eyes widening. "Hun what happened?" She stood up from her seat and ran over to holding your face in your hands, you tried to pull away slowly but she didn't let you. "Y/n, who did this." She said more sternly as you remained quiet, "A cat." You muttered out, your hand ran through your hair and slightly stepped away from her. "This is not a cat!" You sighed as your hand went to your arms and you held tightly. "I fell to the ground and hit rocks." Your mother at this point glared her eyes and shook her head, "Not true, we are going to the principal's office tomorrow in the morning, no arguments!" Your mother turned away right after this and started heading up the steps, how could like get any worse.

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