Chapter 2

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(A/N) hey just to let everyone know I will be trying to post this story every 3-6 days because I hate it when it takes a week or more for another chapter to come out. ~Star~

Your head continued to be down as you walked all the way home, your cheeks were still bright red as your mind continued to reply the moment with Kenny. Why did he have to look at your drawing, that was private, and why did you have to run out like that. A sigh escaped your mouth in disappointment, unbelievable. You never knew how to respond when people commented on your drawings, you were extremely self conscious on things like that. With Kenny seeing it though, it made it so much worse. Is Kenny going to be at the party, Kyle did say the guys, but what happens when you see him what will he say. A millions thoughts ran through your mind as you approached your house. Suddenly a frown formed, you can't just skip out now.

You ran up to your room getting up there by stepping on every other step. as you opened the door your eyes fell upon you closet. A dark oak door hung concealing all of your clothes and other random junk that you had thrown inside there. You approached the door and swung it open digging through all the closes you could searching for an outfit for the party.

In the end you threw on a long gray sweater with a pair of black leggins, on top of that your boots were ankle high and a shade of light brown. You ran through your hats and found a maroon beanie and place it on top of your H/l H/c hair. After your entire outfit was settled you threw on a light shade brown shade of eyeshadow and ran it into a light smokey eye.

Taking a step away from the mirror you took a look at yourself, a small smile making its way. Perfect, you did a quick spin around and checked all angles to make sure the outfit was exact with no mistakes. Your eyes soon followed to the alarm clock that sat on the dark oak table that sat beside your bed. the close read 4:30PM, the party was in about 30 ish minutes. Kyle was suppose to come and pick you up so that you two could go there together, plus who ever else was suppose to too. You made your way down the steps and to the TV, turning it on and searching through many shows until coming onto Terrance and Phillip.

==== Time Skip <3 ====

20 minutes pasted by in a blast and a knock came at your door, you jumped up from your seat and turned off the TV and you swung the door open to come face to face with Kyle. He still wore his usual orange parka and green hat, you never could understand why he would cover up his red locks. "Hey Kyle," you said softly as a smile reached your lips.

"Hey (Y/N), all ready?" You nodded your head in excitement as you glanced around to see no one else around, you tilted your head to the side slightly, "Of course! But where are the other guys?"

Kyle glanced to the side as a shrugged his shoulders, "Well they decided to ditch us." A light laugh escaped your lips and you stepped out in the cool air shutting the door behind you."Of course they did, Oh well just you and me."

The two of you began walking down the sidewalk creating an atmosphere that was quiet, honestly It was kind of awkward, Nobody said a thing. You raked your hand through you hair feeling uneasy with the silence, "So how's you and fat ass?"

Kyle's eyes snapped over to you with an odd look proving he was confused with your question, as he opened his mouth to respond, the bush in front of you began moving and suddenly Kenny came popping up screaning "GAAAHH!!!" Your voice broke out in a screech as your balance was lost. Your ass came in contact with the ground and your breathing had picked up from the sudden scare. Kenny had fallen on the ground too but in that of laughter.

"What the hell Kenny!!!!" You yelled at him with anger, your eyes had hardened into a glare as you continued to sit on the ground. "Sorry (Y/N), I just had to. You were so vulnerable." Kenny clutched his chest as his laughing picked up even more, anger bubbled up inside you and you were about to get up and punch him when Kyle stepped in front with his hand held out. "Are you okay?" His voice was sweet and caring which caused you to smile slightly, "Yes, thank you." You said as you took his hand pulling yourself up. You shot Kenny a death stare while he just continued to smirk at you.

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now