Can this be true love? Part 13

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you just woke up and you were already dreading the day you would have to see Bebe again, so you threw on the most casual thing in your closet

and this random ear warmer$%28KGrHqN,!qsFC%296q0yvbBQw0IF5Km!~~60_35.JPG

you went with no makeup Really there was no point in wearing it you're just gonna get your ass kicked again so why let them know you are crying..... 'could life get any worse'.

you got to school and most eyes were on you, "Stupid black eye" you whispered to yourself, you tried to ignore it but that was hard so you picked up your speed and went to your class, Clyde saw you and his mouth dropped "What happened to you!" Clyde looked really concerned and you hate seeing him like this "Nothing, just some stupid cat" you knew Wendy heard you because she growled 'Life is so great isn't it' you think to yourself she must hate you now...... The whole time through class Kenny was watching you, a look of anger in his eyes but without your knowledge he was looking at you looking at your bruised face makes his blood boil, The question i why.... "Wendy Testaburger Red (some last name I don't know) Bebe Stevens and (Y/N) (L/N) To the principal's office right now mkay" you heard over the loudspeaker oh no did they find out who did it! you hoped they didn't because then you'll just get beat up on more! you walked into the room and sat down your mother was there with a pissed of face and it was directed towards Wendy's parents they returned the same look there was so much tension in the room "you know kids bullying is bad mkay, you shouldn't bully someone mkay" Mr. Mackey went on about how bullying was bad and you shouldn't do it, you weren't paying attention telling them this won't make them stop Idiots "She hurt my daughter!" your mother stated out pointing to Wendy, Wendy of course gave a fake shocked/crying look "W-what I-I would never hurt anyone" Wendy then turned around and faked cried into her parents shirts "Ms. (L/N) it's bad to accuse someone mkay" Mr. Mackey stated once again "But it's true she beat my child up yesterday! my daughter was heading to her friends house Bebe's, now what does that tell you they knew exactly where she would be" your mothers eyes were filled with anger she kept a death stare on Wendy and her parents "You!" she pointed to Wendy's mom and dad "You should be ashamed of your self's for letting your daughter hurt someone else" and with that your mother grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room you were so embarrassed so you kept your head down the whole way home was quiet until you got home "Hun, i'm sorry I embarrassed you" your mother said looking down you could tell she felt bad from her eyes "it's okay mom i'm just gonna go to my room" and with that you ran to your room shut it and locked it you jumped on your bed face in the pillow, your life is ruined the bullying will begin, it turned 10 p.m. you looked outside and it was dark but you still wanted to walk around, it always did calm you down and clear your head, but of course your mom won't let you "Mom please I just wanna walk" you tried everything puppy dog eyes to annoying her she just wouldn't budge "I said no and that's final!" your mom went to her room without another word you waited for a few minutes till you were sure she was sleeping then you opened your window and looked down you jumped out off the roof and onto the snow,

'well this should be a nice fun walk' you were thinking that when you stepped out of the house the wind hit you in the face but it felt nice, you started walking and you notice a Walgreens with a ladder leading to the top so you went down the alleyway and climbed it, the site was beautiful it was calm you could see a lot of things in the small little mountain town, you walked over to the edge of the building and took a seat you couldn't take your eyes off the scenery, "What are you doing here?" you heard that husky voice once again it must be him the mystery guy, you turned your head away from the scenery and to the Mystery guy "just needed some fresh air" you felt like you could trust him like you've know him for awhile now he seemed nice "why do you just come out randomly?" you were now looking at those sky blue eyes you swear you've seen them before but where? "because I take care of this town" the mystery guy then took a seat next to you "ha I guess you're right" you were about to stand up when he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his arms your eyes widened 'was this really happening?' You tried to pull away but his grip wouldn't let you "who are you?" You needed to know, you know him from somewhere with those beautiful blue eyes "sorry but that is a mystery" he responded than let go of me and jumped off the building I looked down but he wasn't there he disappeared......

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now