Can this be true love? Part 18 FINAL

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up falling down a deep black hole where am I! "Help!" I screamed out it was just a echo, last thing I remember was..... "No no no no, tell me it was just a dream" I screamed once again but it was still just an echo, "Kenny! Dad!" I yelled out with tears forming in my eyes.

I started seeing a faint light please tell me it's earth! when I was falling I saw that it's a hard ground Crap! I hit the ground with a big thud but it didn't hurt, I got up slowly and looked around almost everything was on fire and their was a guy in all black in front of me he had red eyes they were actually quite beautiful "Get up" the guy in all black said kind of harshly "uhm where am I?" I couldn't help it I needed to know I have never met him before "your in hell now get up" the word hell rung through your ears "Wait! I'm in hell?!?!?" I spoke very loudly "keep your voice down damn" his face showed it all he was annoyed "dude are you serious!?" you were in complete shocked "yes come on I don't have all day" he sighed and surprisingly helped you up "t-thank you" you responded with still shock in your voice, your hands were shaking why am I in hell? Did you ever do something bad, you must have or you wouldn't be here "hurry up" you looked up from where you were looking and he was walking up ahead "w-wait" you called out running after him. He didn't slow down he just kept walking but you caught up to him.

you guys walked for a little while in complete silence "whats your name?" you asked breaking the silence "Damien" was all he said did he not want to know your name? "you don't wanna know mine?" you asked trailing behind him when he stopped you bumped right into him "I already know your name is (Y/N) (L/N) use to live in South Park fell in love with Kenny McCormick, you died from a blood loss from a bullet near your heart, your father died with you and the person who killed both you was name George. Good enough for you?" your mouth was wide open is he a stalker? "Stalker much?" you said with a lot of sass in your tone "nope who would want to stalk you" he said it so coldly "yeah well no one would want you to stalk them" wow that one sucked but it made him laugh "wow did that suck" he was laughing wow and little bit of a smile.

"so Damien....... Can I ask a favor from you" you asked looking at him with hopeful eyes "what is it?" Damien said in yet another cold tone "can go back to earth even for only a day?" you asked with puppy dog eyes he looked at you "No" was all he said...... Not fair!

4 days later

you were walking on the grass that had no feeling anymore, I'm completely dead wow that sucks I guess being in hell didn't really make me believe it... Stupid me, you got back to earth for only 1 day why? how? Well you sorta pestered Damien for a long time 3 days to be exact and he finally gave in but only for a day which means you have to go find Kenny immediately.

a couple ours later it's dark now out so you went straight to Kenny's house the whole time you were out you looked at your parents they were still crying, you wanted to pay a visit to Kenny before you have to go so you'll visit the guys last, you walked towards Kenny's house and slipped right through the door and up to Kenny's room you tried knocking but your hand went right through the door of course "Kenny I'm coming in!" you called out hoping he can hear you Damien said only Kenny will be able to so hopefully.

you walked into his room and saw him on his bed face into the pillows, is he crying? "Kenny" you called out lightly once he heard you his heard jumped up and looked right to you with wide eyes "(Y/N)?" Kenny said in a light voice it was more like a whisper but it made you smile, He actually sees you "Kenny!" you said louder and ran to him shockingly you didn't run right through him which made you happy "Kenny your here" you smiled the largest smile you have ever had in your whole live or had..... "(Y/N) your alive" he had such calming voice on him tears in his eyes "K-Kenny I'm not alive" you said in a disappointing tone his grip on you tightened "but I can hold you so your alive" Kenny stated with a frown on is face "Yeah somebody helped me with that but Kenny I'm" Tears started to form in your eyes and it came out as a whisper "I'm dead Kenny" you fell to your knees with Kenny holding on to you "No you can't leave me (Y/N), I love you" those worlds send my heart shattering "Kenny I love you too" tears formed in your eyes "but I have to go see the guys now...." you said with a fake smile on inside you were dying "I'm not leaving you" He said looking down "then come with me to see them" you said with another fake smile a very sad fake smile.

you see all the guys together they all had sad faces on "tell them I said hi Kenny please" you said looking at them who can't see you "Guys, (Y/N) said hi" Kenny said with a few tears in his eyes, they all looked at him like he was crazy "Kenny she's dead" Kyle said looking down "I know she's right here" Kenny said no emotion in his voice "It's not possible" Stan said looking away, Cartman stood there wide eyes I know why "Tell Cartman that (Y/N) knows what you did but she forgives you" you said with tears forming Cartman might be an ass but he doesn't need to have it on his conscious sadly, Kenny was staring but proceeded to say it "Cartman she says she forgives you for what you did" Kenny looked at Cartman who started to cry? "Dude are you okay?" Stan looked at Cartman then back to Kenny "Kinny please tell her I didn't know this was gonna happen" he pleaded Kenny "she can already hear you" Kenny looked back at you, but you were starting to disappear and at that moment all the guys could see you wide eyed tears in their eyes you noticed it so proceeded to say what you wanted to "Cartman I forgive you for everything, Kyle you and Stan have been like big brothers to me I love you both, and Kenny I love you and I'm deeply sorry live for me okay? I love you all deeply." and with those final words you disappeared no trace of where you went.

"Damien thank you." you walked off away from Damien back in hell, tears in your eyes.

3rd POV on earth

"she was actually here" Kyle said shocked his eyes were puffy "wow and now she's gone" Stan said tears starting again in his eyes, Cartman was silent he was crying looking like he just died with her and Kenny looked like he wanted to burst out crying...... He'll always follow those words from (Y/N) and always try to live........For her......

A/N Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this story I most certainly have and thanks for all views just everything, this was the first story I ever wrote and I am really happy about it I hope you guys liked it,  anyways Thank you so much for staying with me for the whole story <3 Love you all bye!!!!!
P.S. want a sequel? tell me in the comments <3

There is a sequel I just have a question, do you guys want it on here or on quotev? It's still in the making and I'm trying to post every week or 2 weeks for it but you guys just have to choose on here or on quotev to check it out anyways leave it in the comments and I'll do as said. :P

and so the story ends...........
"Kyle say goodbye to the viewers and stop fighting with Cartman!" I yelled to Kyle "But fatass called me a dirty Jew" Kyle said looking back at me "I'm not fat you fucking Jew!" Cartman retorted back "and why didn't you ask me to say bye!" Cartman yelled in my ear "Bye viewers and don't forget Cartman will always be called Fatass!" Kyle yelled and ran off "I'm not fat" Cartman whined "yes you are" I responded "Bye viewers" I yelled running off "Wait I wanna say-" Cartman never finished what he was gonna say....
The end <3

Can this be True Love? Kenny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now