Chapter 4

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After that terrible awakening in the morning you had laid in your bed for another hour until you finally got up to take a shower, the hot water rand down your body helping a feeling of calamity run through you. You stayed in the shower for 30 minutes leave the clock to blink 4:30AM, typically earlier than either of your parents getting up. You walked over to your closet and threw the door open, you rummaged through the clothes and found a dark brown sweater with some light blue jeans. You threw the outfit on and ran a brush through you H/l hair.

You walked down the stair case and walked into the kitchen and straight to the fridge where a note was tapped to it read:


Sorry but I can't make you breakfast, money is on the counter so go ahead and buy yourself some coffee.

Love, Mom."

she must have left for work like she always did nowadays. You continued to stare at the note when sadness crept over yourself. With a puff of air you threw open the fridge and grabbed out some milk and grabbed you favorite box of cereal from the shelf. Pouring the cereal into the bowel then dowsing the rest of it with cereal made your stomach growl. As you continued to pour the cereal your eyes followed towards the calendar that hunt on the fridge's side. It was towards the end of the month and there X's through most of the days including yesterday Friday. It's a Saturday morning and yet you still wake up early, a sigh escaped you lips as suddenly dripping sounded throughout the air.

Milk splattered all over your socks as you put the milk up right hastily. "Shit." You mumbled under your breath, good thing your mom wasn't home. She would freak out. You walked over to the towels that sat beside the sink and ripped off three of them and started to clean the mess you had made. Today was the day you had to go to Cartman's house, Kenny had invited you to come over through text last night and you couldn't turn back the invite so you said yes. Even if it was at Cartman's house.

You sat down at the table and downed your food in seconds, glancing at the clock it was 7AM, you grabbed the money your mom left on the table and ran and grabbed your keys as well. You left the house having the cold snip at your fingers as your hand released the door knob hearing the lock click in place. Coffee sounded good right about now.

You walked around town heading towards Tweak Bros' Coffee Shop, that was the best place to get coffee in town. You walked along the sidewalk crunching snow underneath your feet at the same time, it must have lightly snowed last night since it was a fresh coat.

Tweak Bros' was a small shop but the coffee was made decent, you walked into the shop and glanced around, a bell went off over head declaring you had entered the building.A room titled Employees only were right behind the counter where the Employees made the coffee, and then there were chairs and tables among the room with a couple booths on top of that.

You walked up to the counter first and took a seat waiting for someone to appear behind the counter, it had been deathly quiet. You normally came here when the lady and the man worked here, but they were no where to be scene. You pondered the though about the name Tweak, you could've sworn you had seen it before but where, it was similar to Tweek but no way was that him, he spelt his name that way. Plus it was always that lady and man here. You were spaced out within your thoughts you hadn't even realized that someone had been staring at you the entire time.

"Tweek! So you do work here." Your eyes widened slightly but you smiled softly at him at the same time. That must be why he shakes so much. "So your full name is Tweek Tweak then? That's so cool!" You gave him a bright smile as he continued to do twitches.

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