Chapter 10

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You got home with Anna and walked up to your room immediately, the thought of what Anna said running through your mind, you're not in love with Kenny! You're just acting, this must mean you're doing a good job acting right? Did you even start acting. You shut your door hastily and sat on the chair that sat in front of your desk with the mirror. Your eyes followed to the mirror to see your face beat red. You pushed your feet off the ground and spun around in the chair over, and over again. "Stop!" You yelled out as the memory of Kenny's bare chest came to mind. "Bad, bad, bad!" You slammed your feet on the ground at this point halting yourself from going around any further.

"Y/n! are you okay!" Your mother called out as she knocked on your door softly, you took in a sharp breath and responded, "Yeah I'm fine!" Your voice had shifted only slightly. "I heard you scream." Your door knob jiggled slightly and you jumped up and unlocked it letting it open to your face.

"What's going on?" She questioned as her eyes caught your face. Your face had still been red from the though of Kenny, "N-Nothing, what's going on?" You questioned softly as you leaned on the door frame. Your mom nodded and turned around walking down the stairs with a questioned look in her eyes. "Dinner time."

You followed behind her and went into the kitchen where your father and Anna were sitting. When you walked in Anna looked up with a smirked on her lips. You cocked your eyebrow up when suddenly the door got a knock on it. You jumped from the sudden noise and watched as your Mother went and opened revealing two people standing there, Kenny and Karen. Why were they here? "Kenny?" You interrupted before you mom could say anything, Kenny glanced around your mom to give you a smile and a wave, "You know these people Y/n?" Your mom asked and you responded with a nod. Your heart had fluttered when your eyes met with Kenny's, why did it do that?

"Well it's nice to meet you, please come in. Have dinner with us." Your mom had always been one to be sweet and caring for all, she didn't meet many of your friends except Bebe. Kenny's voice came out smooth, "Sure." A smile had come across your mom's face as she moved aside letting them in, Karen had stayed behind Kenny and when she spotted Anna she ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Why are you here?" You asked Kenny as he glanced around the room, "You left this." He held up a phone that had a flower background on the case, your eyes widened as your hands snapped forward to grab it, within seconds Kenny pulled it back and put it in his pocket. Your eyes snapped down to it and you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Come on you guys!" Your mother called out as she took a seat at the dinner table after setting up two more plates. You watched as Kenny's eyes turned to the table leaving his eyes to grow wide, it was set up with a stuffed salad and a taco dip in the middle. "Well, now you get to enjoy some delicious food." You cheered as you jumped past Kenny putting a mental note to get your phone later. You took a seat at one of the seat and Kenny followed suit taking a seat to your right.

"This all looks delicious!" Karen announced causing everyone to look over at her, she had this look of pure joy and excitement on her fact, almost like she hadn't seen a meal like this before. Maybe she didn't, the place she lives isn't exactly something like this. A smile crossed your face as you picked up your silverware and took a bite out of the food, your mom was always good at cooking, she just wasn't home all the time.

You glanced towards Kenny who had a smile on his face as he looked at Karen, you could tell her truly loved her. Maybe that's why he didn't leave. "Thank you Mrs. L/n." Kenny said as he took a bite of the food causing his eyes to widen. You couldn't help at this point to have a smile form on your face.

You looked away from him and look upwards catching your eye with your dad. He was staring at you intently, you let out a small cough and continued eating until you were all done.

"Thank you so much for this." Kenny repeated again as he began picking up his and Karen's plate, my mom immediately got up and ran over to them putting her hand on his, "No please let me get that, you guys are the guest." Kenny let go of the plate and took a seat down right after nodding his head in the process. His head then turned to you and his eyes continued to stare at yours.

"Hun you can bring Kenny up to your room to play video games if you want while I clean." Your eyes suddenly widened and shot her a look, she's never let a guy into my room before. She gave you a smile and nodded her head meanwhile, your dad was glaring at her and Kenny. "O-Okay, let's go Kenny." You turned away from your family and grabbed onto Kenny's arm and pulled him up the stairs. "Distance!" Your dad yelled as you shut the door to your room, you had rolled your eyes at your dads work. You turned around in your spot to head towards your gaming console when Kenny stood right in front of you, really close.

"W-What are you?" You started saying as Kenny leaned in towards your ear. "K-K-Kenny." You started to stumble as your face heated up. "Distance please." He whispered in your ear, You pushed him off of you while a smile formed. "Kenny come on let's play, what do you wanna play?" You asked as you approached the console, "Anything that floats your boat Hun." You sent a glare at Kenny and shook your head, "D-Don't call me that." You proceeded to throw in a game and get the game started. Around 30 minutes later your phone dinged causing you to put down the controller and turning your phone on.

Bebe Steven 1 new message

You tilted your head to the side in slight confusion as you stared at her text,

Bebe <3

(Y/N) I need you to come over to my house tomorrow it's really important.

You blinked a couple times, normally she would call you when she has something important, this was odd. You stared at the text so long that suddenly Kenny spoke up in victory, "I win!" Your head snapped up and you shook your head in disapproval, "Yeah right I was distracted!" You turned back to your phone and responded to her text.


Okay Bebe I'll meet you at your house around 5 p.m. hope everything's okay.

"Okay Kenny prepare to get your butt kicked." You said confidentially as you put the controller back up. Your mind still following back to the text.

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