Chapter 7

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Kenny helped clean up your face after you smeared the blood along your face, he had also given you a tissue to help halt the bleeding overall. "T-Thank you Kenny." You said under your breath, Kenny smiled at you and ran his hand through his bright blonde hair, "Anytime Y/n." A blushed formed on your cheeks, you turned away swiftly. "Why were the doors locked?" You questioned as Kenny opened the door back up and looked about in the hallway.

"They lock them at 4:30PM." Kenny sighed in defeat, "You know, when Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and I were younger we all tried to stay in the school past hours and we never succeeded." A smile formed its way onto my face as the thought of those four trying to stay and getting in trouble. "Wait!" You yelled, "I can't be here, I need to get home!" You said as worry began to fill in your chest. Kenny's hand touched your shoulder, "It's going to be alright, we will find another way out." Kenny reassuringly said as he took the lead walking out of the nurse's office and towards the back of the school. "T-Thank you, I don't want to be in more trouble than I already am." You said aloud as the two of you walked along the halls making your way to the back of the school. Or maybe to find someone, at least someone.

As the two of you made it to the door, Kenny pushed the door but was restricted. "Not again." He sighed out, he then proceeded to roll up his sleeves revealing muscles that were obvious. Your cheeks turned bright red and you turned your head away trying to avoid looking at them. You didn't even know he had muscles like that. "No need to stare, you can feel them." Kenny said in a cocky tone, this just caused your blush to deepen and you shook your head furiously. "Stop that, we need to get out." You huffed out trying to change the topic.

"Why are you in such dire need to get out?" Kenny questioned as the two of you strolled along the school building looking for any source of life, or a way out. "W-Well my parents are strict on curfew and sometimes I have to watch my little sister or she'll be left home alone."

"I get that..." Kenny trailed off as those words left his lips, you raised an eyebrow in confusion, how could he understand? "I have a nine year old sister, I have to watch her a lot sometimes too." Your eyes widened slightly, so he does have an open side? Not all just heartless. "My sister is nine too." You mumbled out as you walked down the Science hallway.

"Really? Maybe they know each other, we can have them play with each other at some time." Kenny stated his hand going to his phone checking the time which flashed 5:30PM, you guys had been in there for an hour past closing time. "What's her name?" You asked trying to draw conversation from the fact that it was soon to be dark outside, and your family would freak out. "Karen." A smile played its way to your face as you repeated the name, "Karen... What a pretty name."

Kenny's eyes glanced at you, "Your sisters?" You ran your hand through your hair and thought about your little sister, "It's Anna." A smile formed on Kenny's lips causing dimples to appear softly over his face, "I think our sisters are friend." Kenny took a sharp turn into a room at that exact moment and popped open a door that was locked, your head tilted to the side as he pushed the door opened the rest of the way to reveal the Principal's office. Kenny walked straight into the room and plopped onto the chair behind the desk.

Kenny began spinning around in the chair at a fast pace causing giggles to escape your lips. "What's so funny?" Kenny questioned as he threw his feet on the floor halting the spinning from continuing. You walked towards the desk and sat directly on top of it as Kenny's eyes followed your movements. "Oh nothing, just didn't expect to be here during my day."

Kenny smirked as his eyes continued to watch your form swinging back and forth. You stood up abruptly and started to trail around the room, looking at all the wall hangings that filled up every wall. As you trailed around the chair you lost your footing on a spin and came crashing down. Kenny reached out and grabbed you waist pulling you in close to where he was sitting.. His breathing hit the back of your neck causing the little hairs to stick up and goosebumps to form. "What were you doing." He whispered into your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine. Your face turned as bright as a cherry as you realized you had been sitting on Kenny's lap at this point, you pushed yourself up in a hurry and turn around sticking your tongue out at him.

"Personal distance!" You puffed out as you walked out of the room and into the hallway to get away from Kenny. You slide down the wall until your ass hit the ground and you released all power from your legs. Kenny came out shortly after and sunk down to the floor alongside you, even though you two may have been locked in here it was fun to be with him, made it even better. By now your parents were probably blowing a fuse and fusing about where you were, what could you do not. Your eyes began to feel heavy as you continued to stare at the ceiling above your head.

"Well we will be at school before any of the other kids." Kenny joked as the time on the wall glowed 10PM, both your phones had been dead for quite a while not but neither of you could finger a charger to fix it. "Yeah, but when we get out of this place, I'm going straight to my house." You said laughing along side with him. "Wow, ditching school much?" He replied with a sarcastic voice.

"Well, I will have to face my parents and tell them where I have been. After I get in trouble, I'll just sneak out of the house and get coffee." You said closing your eyes and sighing at the thought of what your parents will say. "Well then I'll go with you." He said with a wink, you giggled in response as your eyes were becoming even more droopy, your eyes closing shut and sleep beginning to take over.

"You're not as bad as you may seem, this was fun despite the horrible reasoning behind being here." After those words left your lips you fell straight asleep your head slumped onto his shoulder.
==== 6:00 a.m. ====

Your eyes snapped open causing your body to stir. As your eyes slowly opened up your eyes made contact with Kenny's blue ones, your head still slumped over on his shoulder. "K-Kenny?" You mumbled groggily, Kenny chuckled lightly a smile made its way to his face. "Good morning sleeping beauty." His words caused a blush to form on your cheeks and you sat straight up your hand running to your race. "I-Uh, sorry." You mumbled out quietly as your eyes snapped around your surroundings.

"W-What time is it?" Kenny's had ran to the back of his head as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Well it's 6AM right now." You shook your head back and forth in disbelief, you stood to your feet at this point and started heading towards the front doors of the school. "Y/n! Wait up." You turned around slightly to meet his sky blue eyes again with you E/c eyes. "What?" You questioned as Kenny caught up beside you, you had turned around at this point and started walking off. "Well, I'm walking you home remember? You promised a coffee date." A smile etched onto Kenny's face as a blush formed on yours, "I-I forgot, Coffee."

The two of you continued to walk forward as the words of Kenny sunk in. "D-Date! It's not a date!" You defended automatically while a deep red blush continued to grow on your face. "You sure? That blush says otherwise." You smacked him on the shoulder as the two of you pushed open the double doors. "Let's just go," You mumbled out as he trailed behind you, why are you blushing like this, this is ridiculous.

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