Chapter 2

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"Oh shit!" I cursed when I checked the time on my alarm clock. It read 6:48 am. I got up, throwing my covers to the floor and sprinting to the bathroom.

"GEEET OUT!" I banged on the door. "Wait!" My sister answered.

I walked back to my room, grabbed the outfit I had picked out the previous night and stripped off my pajamas, but my foot got stuck, making me stumbled back a little, but luckily I held on the edge of my bed before falling.

I ran to the kitchen and found my mom drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning" she greeted.

"Hello, mom" I answered opening the fridge and grabbing a yogurt. I kissed her soft right cheek, and exited the house.


"I made it!" I proudly tell my best friend Alyssa. "Barely" Ally, Valentina, Hannah, and Beth, my other best friends, say in unison.

"Why were you almost-?" Valentina asked, but the bell interrupted her. "I'll explain later, Val. I gotta go to class." You see, her name is Valentina, but we call her 'Val', because that's too long.

I walked into room 403 and sat on my assigned seat. I always looked forward for Biology class, because this is the only class that interests me, and today we're learning about Meiosis and Mitosis. Yay.

I'm not saying I don't pay attention in my other classes, because I do. Well, not really, but if you look at my transcript, you won't find anything less than a 'B' in any of the courses I've taken. You see, I have this really weird leaning system: I just sit there in class, and I lean. I don't need to pay attention, to absorb the fulfilling lesson the teacher up front is giving. One time, I fell asleep during the whole 90 minutes of class, woke up when the bell rang, and the lesson given kept repeating in my head all day long; it was creepy, but I passed the chapter test with a perfect score.


The bell rang announcing school is over for the day and I run to the fountain in front of the school to meet with Alyssa, her parents have been driving me home for the past three weeks.

"Ready?" She asked and I nodded. We jumped in her parents' car and rolled my window down.

"Mrs. Castillo, can you drop me off at the mall? It's Wednesday and remember Wednesdays I go to the bakery." I said looking at her through the rearview mirror.

She nodded, "Sure, thanks for reminding me, sweetie", and I just smiled.

"Nice outfit!" Alyssa complimented my floral, blouse that was tucked in a navy blue skirt that came just above my knees, and matching white flats. "I didn't even get time to tell you at school."



I crossed the street, got my mirror out, and just when I was sure everything was in place, waked inside the white and red building. I crossed the doorway, and found a curly haired boy serving a costumer. The boy looked up and his eyes found mine, and smiled. I smiled back, and he grabbed a little paper bag form the other side of the counter and set it on top, motioning me to to get it.

The costumer thanked him, and waked out as I slowly made my way towards him.

"Hello" The boy finally said. "You always stop by every Wednesday at the same time and always grab the same thing, so I figured I should have it ready when you show up." He smiled and handed me the paper bag. I couldn't help but notice a pair of exposed dimples on either side of the corner of his lips.

"Thanks" I smiled and took the bag with the bagel from his hands, which slightly made contact and felt my cheeks heating up. Oh no. I'm blushing. Great.

"I'm Harry, by the way." He smiled.

"Vanessa, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too."

"Well, Harry, how much would it be?" I asked even thorough I knew how much the bagel costs.

"Take it as a gift from me to you. For our new friendship that is barely starting" He said, and I could see his cheeks turning a little pinker.

"Thank you." I turned around an started to make my way to the door. "Wait!" He said coming towards me. I just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "If I asked for your number... Would you give it..?" He asked hesitantly. I smiled and nodded, his face muscles immediately softened. "Can I get your number?" He asked handing me a pen and paper to write on. I accepted them, and wrote my digits down. When I finished, I reached his apron's pocket, and let the small white sheet fall secure.

I got on my tips and my lips placed a small kiss on his right cheek. "You're welcome, Harry." I said and exited the bakery.

Because of the X Factor- A Harry Styles Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now