Chapter 8

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It was 12:45pm and mom wasn't home ye. After eating pizza and talking for hours Maecie and I decided we were both starting to get tired and that we would pause the conversation, and continue tomorrow when we woke up.

"Wanna sleep on the bed?" I asked Maecie who was in the bathroom adjacent to my room. She mouthed something I couldn't understand, so I assumed she was brushing her teeth. "What?" I asked making my room to where my cousin was.

"Where will you sleep?" She repeated herself putting her toothbrush in a ziplock bag. "In the floor"

"Oh, no. You can definitely take the bed. I like sleeping on the floor anyway." She smiled.

"Okay I feel like this will take us to an endless discussion, so how about we both sleep on the floor?" I asked leaving the restroom to my room, and Marcie following behind me. Y

"Sounds good"

I reached for the duvets on the top drawer of my closet, and let them fall on the yellow- green carpet.

"You know, I've always been jealous of you" Maecie confessed laying beside me. I turned to face her, which was impossible because the room was completely dark.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because you have the coolest room ever. Now, goodnight. I need to get some rest" she answered and pulled the duvets away from me.

"Thanks, and good night, Marcie" I said and rolled the other way.

My room is not very big, the walls were light violet with sprinkles of yellow paint. My bed was a double size bed. Next to the bed I have a small bureau with an alarm clock which I have no idea why I even have it, since I never need it because my mom is who waked me up everyday for school. I also have a small picture frame that displays a picture of the Jonas Brothers that I had ripped out if a magazine. Across from the bed was my wooden closet. It wasn't very since I didn't own many clothes, and next to it was my dresser. Oh how I love that pink dresser. It has four small drawers in which I keep the notes, letters, and other cute stuff people have given me over the years. This is also where I used to hide candy from my brother when he lived with mom and I. There's a medium size window that i covered with a gray curtain on the wall next to my bed. In the far left corner of the room, and electric guitar and a base hang from the ceiling.

I play neither of them, but I had then because my guitar was a Christmas present from my dad, and I had bought the bass on eBay because they were cheap, and it was one of those rare days when mom lets me do pretty much all I want.

I had paintings and framed posters of my favorite bands hanging off all the four walls. All the paintings were ones that I had done at school and I decided to hang then because they were my favorites.

Now that I think about it, I do have a pretty awesome room.

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