Chapter 15

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Right after Harry left, a woman that looked to be in her mid 20s approached us. She was slim, tall, with dirty blond hair, and had a perfect silhouette. "Please come this way" she said, motioning us to follow her. We did as we were told, and we were soon in a waiting room with more people who I guess accompanied more potential X Factor contestants.

Strangely, there was a small coffee booth and Anne bought us all one. We sat down, drinking our beverage. "I'm sure he'll make it" Will confidently said.

"Me too" I said taking a sip to my caramel Frappuccino, "he's pretty good singing."


Harry and I were going for one of our many city walks. I was almost done doing my hair, when my mom opened my door, and informed me Harry had arrived and that he was waiting for me in the living room.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror to make sure everything was in place before exiting my room. I walked to the living room and heard something that seemed to be someone singing to 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day. I had stopped before entering the living room, and listened to my friend's singing. His voice was so tender, and he hit every note perfectly. Hearing him sing was mind blowing. I had never heard anyone sing like that before.

I never thought Harry could sing in such particular way, which is so hard to explain for the same way it was my first time hearing something like that.

The only word I can think of to describe it was fabulous.

*End of Flashback*

People frequently came out of the door with disappointment in their face, because they unluckily were not selected to continue on the competition. The look their faces displayed was heartbreaking. It was mostly the younger ones often with tear- filled eyes crossed the door, and they ran to the parents to refuge in their embrace to find some consolation from the bad news they had just received.

I'm sure they all had high hopes of making it, and I'm sure most of them were good. But in this game good is not enough.

You often heard people saying that they weren't going to give up, that they'll go home, practice, get better and come back next year, again, ready to nail the audition.

But the same way that people didn't make it, other crossed that same door with the biggest smile displayed on their face. Jumping up and down of joy because they it was mostly yeses the ones they had received, signifying the permission the judges had granted them to advance to the next round of auditions.

I'm sure Harry will be one of those people.


"He's coming" I heard Gemma say, and we all got up from our seat, and started making our way the direction of the door where the contestants were coming out from.

As we approached Harry, my attempts of reading his face, were useless. His face was expressionless. His sight looked a little out of place, lost. "Harry" Anne said and shook him by the shoulder. His eyes quickly met hers "what happened?"

"I'm through" he whispered. "I'm through!" He repeated, his statement much more louder this time.

We all congratulated him, as he pulled us all into a group hug. Harry started jumping while in the hug, and we all did as him.

"Ouch!" Will complained breaking the group hug. "Someone stepped on me and it hurt" he explained.

"Sorry, that was me" Gemma said with her cheeks red of embarrassment.

"It's okay"

"Well..." I started, "I say we should go to Nando's to celebrate Harry's well performance"

"Lets go" Anne said, and we left the building.


"Vanessa" I heard my mom's voice call from what I figured was the living room.

"I'll be right there." I shouted back closing my 'Nothing Special ' notebook, which is kinda like my personal scratch book with a twist, as I like to call it, where I write down the memorable events of my day. I also draw there, write what I have on my mind, things that bother me at the moment, and I keep pictures between some pages.

I walked to the living room, when something called my attention:

The mirror on the hallway was missing.

Scratch that.

My mom's mirror was missing.

That mirror was given to my mom by my dad when she was pregnant of me, and told her to hang it somewhere she'd look at it everyday, so she could see me developing inside her womb. My parents came to an agreement to hang it on the right hallway wall, between the collage of pictures that were already hanging from the beige painted wall.

The mirror was large enough to reflect from my mom's the head to the mid- thigh of her not-very-tall body.

"Mom..." I stood in front of where the mirror would be.


"Where's the mirror?" I asked

"What mirror?" Mom asked in annoyance.

"You know, THE mirror" I said still not moving from the spot.

"Oh, THAT mirror" she chuckled "I took it so they could clean it" she answered sending a rush o relief through my body.

"Okay" I said entering the living room, "what did you need me for?" I asked casually. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you okay?" "I'm fine, mom, thanks" I wonder why she would ask me that, but I'm not gonna ask. "I was just making sure, because I though maybe Harry's audition had affected you in some sort of way" she continued, answering my previous thought.

"Not at all. I mean, Harry is very excited about doing this, I talked to Will a lot today, and he told me Harry's capable of doing it, and I know it. If that's what he wants to do, no one should blockade his dream. I'll support him every step and decision he makes" she thanked me for that and I gave her a reassuring smile before going back to my room.


Heeeeey!! OMG! I finally updated :D!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! But I'm been in finals so I've been studying and doing homework&stuff like that. I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, leave a comment telling me down there 👇 :)

I only have one more week of school left! That means I won't have you guys waiting for an update during the summer :D

Also, guess what!?

I'm president of the Parliamentary club at school (:! If you don't know what that is, don't worry, I just wanted to share that (:!

Three last things before I go....

•Thanks for the more than 1,000 reads! You guys are unbelievable! When I saw that I was so happy that the story is going well.

•I apologize if the chapter has errors, I didn't have much time to go over it, and make sure everything made sense, and that I didn't have stupid grammatical errors.

•Thanks for reading. Please comment&vote :)!


Vane :) xx

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