Chapter 10

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"Hey, Vanessa!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw the boy with the beautiful brown curls, green eyes and the most beautiful smile on his lips.

"Hi, Harry" I said reciprocating a smile. I removed my stuff from the bench and motioned him to sit beside me.

"It's great seeing you again" He said and I could feel my blood running to my cheeks. I looked down very quickly to try to hide the most likely evident blush on my face.

"Tell me, since when do you go to school here?" He shrugged. "I mean, I've never seen you before, are you new? Are you now new? Tell me" I said biting on my sandwich.

"Well, I am new... kinda. I moved to this school about three weeks ago" he said glancing at the ground.

"How come?" She turned to look at me "I mean, you work and this school is quite far from the bakery. Why did you or your parents choose this school and not another?" I inquisitively asked, eyes locked on his.

"Yeah, the school I used to go to before was closer to the bakery, but I moved to this one because it's closer to my house" His lips pulled a smile but it quickly vanished, his eyes looked away from mine, and all of a sudden, his expression turned to resemble sadness.

"Why are you sad?" I asked getting closer to him and putting my hand one is back.

"It's just... Here I don't have an elective on my schedule, and I really wanted to take one" "And why is that?" I asked getting even closer to him.

"Because I start work at 2:25pm and now since I'm farther from there my parents come pick me up from school at the beginning of last hour and drop me off at the bakery" I did my best to hug him from the side, expecting him to hug me back, but he just kept looking down. I could tell he really wanted to stay for last hour and take that elective. "But now it's doesn't matter. I don't even know why I get sad over that, I know that's something that won't happen."

"It's okay, don't worry. I get sad over the stupidest things also. I guess that's just part of life and growing up. I'm sure that's something that eventually go away" I placed a small peck on his cheek, and immediately after my lips lost contact with his smooth skin, felt him turn slightly my direction. My arms still around his body. I smiled and he hugged me back.

"Oh look what we have here" I hear a non familiar voice say. Harry and I pulled away from the embrace, and I slowly looked up at the person who, by judging by the shoes they wore, it looked like it could be a boy. "The new kid got himself a girlfriend. How sweet" Yup, it was a boy. "NOT!" He added and then turned his body and high fived the boy that was standing right behind him, and who I hadn't noticed till then.

"What do you want?" Harry asked in an irritated voice.

"Hum, let me think..." The boy took a step closer to where Harry and I were sitting. "I want you to go back to wherever you came from. We don't need you in this school." He said and his friend friend chuckled.

"Well that's too bad, I'm not leaving. I'm staying here until it's time for me to graduate" Harry retaliated. "Now, keep walking and leave us alone." He ordered, the sadness from seconds ago turning into anger.

"Whatever, you're lucky you're with a girl." He said glancing at me and waving his hand at us. "Lets go." He said to his friend and walked away. Harry didn't take his eyes off of the boy until he disappeared from sight.

Because of the X Factor- A Harry Styles Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now