Chapter 13

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"VANESSA, STOP!" Harry yelled getting up from the swing. "I'm not doing anything!" I said laughing very hard. "Oh you know exactly what you're doing. I refuse to continue this conversation if you're gonna continue doing silly faces" He said turning around and crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine." I said getting up as well. "I'll stop" He turned around. "Sike" was all I said before laughing again.

"It's not funny!" He over dramatically whined. "Okay, now I'll stop. For reals." I said more to myself than to him, "I'm gonna a straight face from now on"

I noticed his face lost all sense if emotion looking behind me. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Don't look, don't do anything. Let's ignore" he said lowly. He took a step closer to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and started to walk, pulling me along.

"Hey you, Styles!" I heard someone far shout from behind us.

"Shoot!" Harry whispered in annoyance, and we both stopped walking.

"Where do you think you're going?" The voice said now closer than before.

Harry turned around around, and I too. It was the same boy that interrupted out lunch a couple of weeks ago. His hair was a messy, and he looked like he had not showered. Gross.

"What do you want now, Sam?" Harry asked in a menacing voice, his body stepping in from of me.

"I actually don't know," by now he was just a few feet away from us, "I found myself bored so I decided to have a chat with you. I know you love our little chats" he smirked.

"Okay we had our chat, now please go away"

"But you haven't introduced me to your little girlfriend" he said stepping aside looking at me from head to toes.

"I don't have a girlfriend, so there's no need to introduce you to anyone."

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking, a moron like you could never get a girl like her" Sam said glancing at me. From the corner of my eye I could see Harry closing his fist and jaw clenching.

"Stand behind me" Harry instructed in a whisper. "But-" I was interrupted by Harry "Do as I say" he ordered, and I obeyed.

"I told you once, and I'm gonna say it twice: Go. Away." Anger in his voice.

"But I haven't gotten to the part when I tell you how sexy your sister, Gemma I believe, is"

"That's it" Harry said approaching the boy. His right hand ready to throw a punch. "You are not gonna talk like that about my sister" he said, his right fist connecting with Sam's jaw, causing him to stumble back a little.

I gasped.

"Stay away!" He yelled over his shoulder at me. With that, he tugged his leg with Sam's, and they both fell to the ground. The two boys started throwing punches to each other.

There was no need for him to tell me that, I was paralyzed. Completely unable to move. I was just standing there watching them fight. I brought my hands to my mouth in horror. My brain failing to connect with the rest of my body. Suddenly, tears started streaming down my face.

"Hey! That's enough! Stop it!" I heard a voice approaching. My eyes shifted, searching for the person who had definitely spotted Harry's and Sam's fight, but it was worthless, my eyes were watery enough to blur my sight.

I finally managed to move my hands towards my eyes, wiping my tears away. I had to blink at least six times in order for my sight to back to normal.

I saw a guy about nineteen years old standing between my friend and Sam, who then turned around and started to walked away. Harry and the guy who had stopped the fight made their way towards me.

I noticed blood coming out from above Harry's left eyebrow. Sweat all over his face and neck, he was holding his right wrist with his other hand, and a bruise was barely forming on his left cheek bone.

I wrapped my arms around Harry's body and held him tight, more tears falling from my eyes, landing on my friend's t- shirt. "Don't ever do that again. You scared me. Please" I pleaded, sobbing into his shoulder. We finally pulled away at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

The guy was still standing there, and I hugged him. "Thank you so much" "It's nothing" he said pulling away. I stepped back, next to Harry, and linked my left arm to his right arm. "My name is Brandon" he said with a smile. "Vanessa" I replied.

"And I'm Harry"

"Well Harry and Vanessa, I think it's time for you to go home" he said looking at both of us, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you" I looked at Harry. My tears had stopped.

"No problem, just don't get involved in any other fights, okay?" Harry nodded, and Brandon left, waving at us.

I grabbed Harry's face with my hands, and began examining his injures. "What are you doing?"

"I'm checking you, what does it look like I'm doing?"


The bruise had grown and the color had deepened, he had stopped bleeding, and everything seemed to be 'okay'. I hugged him tight once again, tears forming on my eyes once again.

"Don't cry" he said slightly pushing me away. He's eyes connecting with my watery ones. His lips placing a small kiss on mine, hugging me once again.

"Let's go home. We've had enough today" He said pulling away.


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Vane :)! xx

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