Chapter 11

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"Are you coming?" Alyssa asked. "No, sorry. Today I'll be walking home, I already told my mom." I answered putting my notebook inside my bag. "Why? You're always too lazy to walk home"

I sighed "I don't know, I just feel like walking, I need some time to think"

"Oh, okay. Text me when you get home." I nod, and she walks away.

I make my way to the from of the school, my eyes finding Harry in no time.

"You going home?" He asked and I could tell he was a little nervous. "Yeah, I am" I answer with a smile. "Want me to walk you?"

The question took me by surprise. I had just told my best friend that I didn't want a ride home because I wanted to think some stuff over, and now a boy is asking if I want him to walk me home? The answer to the question was obvious; of course I wanted him to walk me

"Sure." I smiled

We walked chatting and laughing every now and then. I asked about his family, and he told me he lived with his mom, Anne, and older sister, Gemma. I told him that I only lived with my mom since my father past away when I was eleven years old.

"What is something you don't get to do very often, when you do, love doing?" Harry asked pulling a leaf from a tree above our head. I didn't even need to think about about my answer, "Going to concerts" I smiled looking at the pavement ahead of us.

"You answered that very quickly, you usually take about three to four seconds to answer" he pointed out.

"I just love concerts so much" I said in a very enthusiastic tone. "What do you love most about them?"

"The atmosphere, definitely. I love the loud music, the fact that you can move around, scream, sing, dance" I say still not looking at Harry. "I love that in concerts, your body is free to do whatever it wants to and no one will say anything" I added, my gaze finally meeting his.

"Wow." He breathed. "Well, I'm in a band." He said proudly, a smirk displayed on his face. "Oh, is that true? Or are you just saying that?" I asked in disbelief.

"You don't believe me!" He whined stopping to face me.

"You just don't look like the kind of guy that would be in a band" I defend myself. I continue walking, turning left.

"We'll I am." He says firmly. "My friend Will Sweeny asked me to join the band he was in, and I said 'sure, why not?'"

"What do you play?"

"Oh, first you don't believe me, but after I tell you more, you're all of a sudden interested? That's not how it works, woman" He said faking a hurt tone. "Oh come on Harry! Just tell me."

"Nope." Harry said popping the 'p'

"I bet you're replacement in case one of your bandmates doesn't show up, and that's why you just don't wanna say it" I teased trying to get some more details, and to my surprise it worked. I stopped walking when we reached the porch of my house, and he did too.

"I am the singer of the band" He stated, his tone resembling proudness once again. "Oh look at Mr. Styles mastering the vocals. "Just the way it should be" he cockily said.

"What's the name of the band?" I asked putting quotation marks in the air on the word "band".

"Why are a band. And the name is White Eskimo" I slowly walked towards the doorsteps and he just stood there. I turned the doorknob, opening the door and looked at me awkwardly.

"Don't worry, it's my house" I chuckled. "Oh. Okay." He said more like a question. "I should... I'm gonna go now, okay?"

"You don't wanna come in?" I asked I encouraging with my hands. "Just for a little bit." He smiled.

"I'm home!" I announced. My mom came quickly from downstairs with a smile on her face, a smile that quickly vanished when she saw he boy standing next to me.

"Hello..." He said, her tone making the statement sound a little bit more like a question.

"Mom, this is my friend Harry." I smiled and mom came a little closer "Harry, this is my mom, Eliza"

"Nice meeting you" Harry said extending his arm to shake my mom's hand. "The pleasure's all mine" Mom answered with a sweet smile.

"He's new to the school" I announced, "well, not quite new, but I met him two weeks ago. He also works at the bakery I go to every Wednesday" I added.

"You have a job," she said to Harry, "that is awesome. Getting a job at such young age is hard" Harry nodded. "Do you want anything to eat? Drink?" Mom offered motioning towards the kitchen. "I am fine, thanks. But I was actually about to go, I just came to walk Vanessa here, I have to go home"

"Oh, okay. It was great meeting you" Mom and Harry shook hands once again. "Same here." "I'll walk you outside" I told the curly haired boy.

We walked outside and I closed the door behind us. "Thanks for walking me home" I smiled. "No problem" He took a step closer to me and wrapped his arms around my body in an embrace. "Bye, Vanessa" we pulled away. "Goodbye, Harry" He gave me a small peck on the cheek and walked away.

Because of the X Factor- A Harry Styles Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now