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"Hey Tristan!"

I turned around to where Connor had called my name.

I was just on my way to medical to visit James when Connor came running out the woods.

He ran towards me and then stopped for a minute to catch his breath.

"Smoke can fly!"

He looked at me with the biggest grin ever.


"Yeah so I learned it how to fly and it can?

Like okay not fully fly yet but it can lift itself up from the ground and-

This is amazing"

He looked so proud.

Bless him.

I smiled at him.

"That's great"

I decided not to tell him about my talk with my father.

There was no need for him to know that.

"And the fire breathing?"

"Oh yeah that's going good, Brad is still training him"

I nodded.

I needed to keep track of the dragon in case it got out of hand.

"Anyways Brad asked for me so I'll head his way"

A blush coated his cheeks and I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Him and brad were so cute.

He walked off and I continued my walk to medical, where James was already waiting for me at the entrance.

"There aren't any patients today"

He already noticed my questioning look.

"Hey by the way"

He closed the gap between us and leaned in to kiss me"


I said when he broke our kiss.

"Wanna go ride?"

James looked at me with a smirk.

"I meant the horses!!!"

"Ew Tristan, that's illegal I think"

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up you know what I mean"

He was still looking at me, one eyebrow perched up, smirk still on his face.

"I hate you"

"No you don't"

"Just shut up and come with me"

He followed right behind me, of course.

"I like it when you're irritated, it creates this sexual tension between us and I really think we should do something about that.

Like right now"

I looked back at James.

"Shut up, there is no sexual tension,

But I might punch you in a minute"

He shrugged and I turned back to look in front of me again.

"You sure that there isn't any?"

His breath fanned over my neck.

How the hell did he get so close so soon.

I shivered under his breath.

Coming Down ↣ Trames ◦ Bronnor Where stories live. Discover now