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A/N: Small chapter.

Also do you guys know any good books? I'm done reading all the ones I have and I wanna read some more.

Like actual books, not fanfics.

Leae me some recs please (:


I slowly rolled over to my side and groaned.

I've always hated the aftermath of sex.

I rolled over again,

Everything hurt.

Suddenly I didn't feel my mattress under me anymore.

I slowly opened my eyes but it was too late already.

I hit the ground with a bang.

"You alright?"

James slowly brought out.

I looked up to see him see him sheepishly look at me from the edge of the bed.

"No, everything hurts"

I groaned out.

He just smiled.

"Glad to see you had fun yesterday"

"I hate you"

"You don't"

He smiled again and held out his hand.

"Come back to bed"

Just as I went to take his hand my door opened up.

Thank god I was wearing underwear.

Brad looked between us for a minute then shook his hand.


Oh yeah,


He turned to James.

"Connor's hurt"

I looked over to my clock.

6.10 am.

"What the fuck did he do at 6 am that could get him hurt"

I groaned out and slowly sat up.

"Don't answer that James"

I glared at my boyfriend.

"He was riding this horse and fell off"

James sat up and I threw him his jeans from the end of the bed.


I nodded.

"But don't think I'm getting up"

"Fine with me"

Heard James giggle.

I rolled my eyes and crawled back under my blanket.

"Be right back babe"

James kissed my forehead and stood up.

"I'm not going anywhere today so.

I'll be here"



Seriously? I was on the verge of falling asleep again.


I slowly sat up and watched Brynn walk into my room.

"Hey, sorry I didn't want to interrupt but it's kind of important"

"What's going on?"

I accepted the fact that I wasn't going to get anymore sleep so I slowly stood up and searched for some jeans.

She didn't answer so I turned around to look at her.

She quickly looked me in the eye and smiled.


"Oh yeah, my aunt is very sick and I kinda-

Well I wanna go see her and I know that you don't mind but then someone has to take over my lessons and yeah"

"How long will you be gone?"

I pulled on a shirt and looked at her.

She shrugged.

"A week or two"

I sighed.

"I can't go without you for that long, the lessons still need to go on and no one else here can do it"

She smiled then and held out a paper.

"Yes I know so I figured I'd send Ale up to Olympus to ask Mel,

She'll take over for me"

She handed me the paper with Mel's agreement on it.


She hopped on her legs.

I laughed.

"Fine fine, go,

And let me know how your aunt is going"

She nodded and ran out.

"Thanks Tris"

I shook my head with a smile and went to walk outside but stopped after one step.

This was going to be a painful day,

Damnit James.

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