
518 24 22

A/N: I have too much free time omg


"You can sleep here if you want"

Brad shot his head up to look at me.

There were so many tearstains decorating his face and I felt so so bad.

He shook his head.

"No it's fine, I should probably just go"

His voice was nothing but a whisper.

I looked outside the window.

"Not in this weather you're not,

Please just stay"

Brad looked outside and blinked.

It was raining, heavily I have to add.

He just stared out the window.

There was a thunderstruck.

"Connor hates thunder"

He muttered out.


He shook his head.

"He can't know,

Not until it's certain-


It's not certain yet right?"

He looked at me with big brown eyes.

I shook my head.

"Charley and me are trying to get him to leave

It's a long shot though"

He looked at me confused.

"Who's Charley?"

I went to answer but my door flew open.

James tensed up in the door opening.


He looked between me and Brad.

"Should I be worried?"

He looked at me.

I sighed.

"No I'll explain to you later"

He turned to Brad.

"Well Connor's freaking out,

You might-"

Brad nodded and wiped his eyes.

He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Be careful and come by tomorrow,


We need to fix this"

He nodded sadly and left.

"Well I was going to visit my boyfriend to ask how his day was and what the fuck is going on with the weather.

But hell he already had another guy in his bed"


He was crying.

Just sit down and I'll tell you everything"

He sat down on my bed and opened his arms.


"Ew you're wet no"

He looked at me with a smirk.

"Seriously no stop James this is serious"

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