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A/N: It's been over a month since I last updated this, and i'm sorry.

This is my favorite story, this chapter was supposed to be smut but I just couldn't write it.

I wanna make this the great story it once was again. So this is a small little start up chapter again and hopefully after this i'll be able to make it good again


I felt like a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders as I waved goodbye to Charley and Mel.

And I know that's bad, because I adore them both so much, I shouldn't be glad that they left.

But I was.

I sighed as they turned around and walked away hand in hand, James shot his eyebrow up at me but I just shook my head with a smile.

"You seem happy"

James noted as soon as Mel and Charley were out of sight.

"I know, I shouldn't be, but I can't help but to feel relieved"

James just nodded."

He understood.

Maybe everything would go back to normal now.

That would be great, I missed it.

"How about we take the horses for a ride?"

James took my hand in his and already started walking towards the stables.

"I have no patients anyways so I'm all yours today"

"You're mine any day babe, not just today"

I said and looked at my boyfriend with a smirk.

He couldn't help but laugh.

We met with Connor in the stables,

He was just taking a horse out of it's stable.

"Oh hey guys"

He said happily and led the horse towards us.

"Where's your other halve?"

James smiled at Connor who just rolled his eyes.

"Right now he's making some new horseshoes for this beaut right here"

He patted the horse next to him.

"I was actually on my way to see him"

His face seemed to lit up and I was just glad they were still going strong.

I nodded.

"We're going to take our horses for a ride, so if anyone's looking for us we'll be in the woods"

Connor nodded.

"Alright, have a nice trip guys"

He led the horse next to him towards the blacksmith and I couldn't help but look as he walked away.

"Everything feels normal again"

I whispered out.

James quickly squeezed my hand.

"Yeah, it does"

He pointed out.

"It feels nice, it feels good"

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