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A/N: Guess who's back??????

You can all thank kpop for that because I read some vmin smut and hey guess who got inspired.

To show you guess how sorry I am for being gone for so long;

I wrote the cutest chapter ever.

This is only half of the chapter/smut so I will finish this in the next chapter.

Anyways (: It's good to be back.


"James, cabin"

I smiled, pulling my boyfriend out of his thoughts.

"Oh right"

He smiled and picked me up bridal style.

I couldn't help but smile, which made me seem like a fool, so I just shook my head slightly and buried my face in James' shoulder.

He started walking towards my cabin.

"You know I could just walk right?"

I mentioned.

"Hush I'm trying to be romantic here"

James backfired.

Normally I would make a comment but I decided to just keep my mouth shut.

I couldn't help but get a little flustered.

This all seemed so,


A year ago.

So new, so cute and romantic.

Nothing like we were right now.

Not that I had mind some good rough sex.

But this,

This was also amazing.

He kicked in the door with his foot.

Something he had mastered over the last year.

Then he made sure Ale was watching the door so we wouldn't be interrupted.

He put me down and before I could even comprehend what was going on James had already placed his right hand on my back and was pulling me in to softly place his lips over mine.

I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

I needed this.

I needed him.

I parted my lips just the slightest bit, giving James the hint he needed.

He firmly bit down on my bottom lip and moved us backwards.

I soon fell my legs hit the wood of our bed.

Normally this would be the time where we just basically ripped our clothes off and got it on with.

Not today,

James slowly hovered over me and started kissing down my neck.

He stopped at my collar bone and started sucking on it.

That was his favorite place to leave marks on.

"You're mine"

He whispered.

"And I'm yours"

He added and leaned back.

He straddled my waist.

"Never forget that okay"

He leaned in to kiss me again.

This time just a little harder.

Just hard enough for me to let out a reasonably loud moan.

"I love you"

James whispered and slowly started grinding down on me a bit.

"So so much"

He added.

I was too focused on him to answer.

But I didn't need to.

He knew.

I started pulling on my boyfriend's shirt and James couldn't help but smirk.

He took the hint and slowly pulled off his shirt.

He was so beautiful,

So perfect.

And then he went for the zipper of his pants.

And I couldn't help but watch.

He took his sweet time and I tried my best to refrain myself from just doing it for him.

He smirked at me and slowly took off his pants.

I went to pull down mine too but James stopped me,

Taking my hand and carefully placing it above my head.

He kissed me while sliding down my pants with his other hand.

He pulled back and stared at me for a second.

Something which would have made me feel uncomfortable,

Were it not for the fact that we've been together for so long.

At this point nothing could ever be uncomfortable.

"I love you so so much"

James spoke in a low voice.

I just smiled and reached up to pull him down.

"You too,

Now please,


I looked at him with pleading eyes and he just smiled,

Slowly sliding his hand down my body.

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