
393 22 11

A/N: This chapter is all over the place, nice.


I won,

Of course.

Connor didn't get a boner.

But James wanted to extent the bet for the rest of the week.


He wasn't going to win anyways so.

"Hey I'm sorry for today"

I hadn't heard Charley walk in.

"What do you mean?"

I was laying on my bed,

Just looking at the ceiling.

"For what happened at medical,

Well I'm not sure what happened,

But I feel like I should apologize"

He plopped down on his mattress.

"You're hot,

Not your fault"

That was the truth.

"Yeah but James is hot too?

Isn't he supposed to be the guy that everyone drools over?"

"Yeah but he's been around forever,

You're new.

You're cute.

You're single"

Again, the truth.

"Yeah, Connor isn't tho"


"Yeah well you're not even gay so problem solved"

"I'd turn gay for James"

I shot up.

"Shut up"

I was kind of angry,

Also kind of offended.

What did James have that I didn't?


I glared at Charley.

"Dude you know I'm just saying that because of Aphrodite.

Everyone would love to get in his pants and you know it"


He was irresistible.

I knew that.

He was still mine though.

"Doesn't mean I wanna hear it from everyone"

I muttered out.

"How about we do a little duel tomorrow,

Just like old times"

"And then we'll have our asses kicked by Mel again,

Just like old times"

Charley laughed.

"One day I'll win from her"

He sat up.

"Hey do you think that if I take my shirt off that she'd be distracted enough for me to win?"



"Guess we'll find out tomorrow"

He grinned.

"Dude do you have a crush on her?"

That would be great.

1. God babies;;;;;

2. No more gay crush drama.

3. Connor can go back to being Connor.


I don't know....

She's cool"

He blushed.

O my god he blushed.

This was great.

"Oh my god you do have a crush on her"

"Dude I can and I will suffocate you with this pillow if you don't stop"

"You won't"

He just smiled.

Before I could answer I heard a knock on the door.


Brad peeped around the door.



I don't really know,

I wanted to check if you were still alive?"

The poor guy seemed so confused.


Charley had the biggest grin on his face.

"DUDE ???"

"Wait what's going on?"

Brad looked confused between the two of us.

I quickly snatched Charley's pillow from under his head.

"Hey give that back"

He wined.

"Sorry no I'd like to live another day"


I'm just-"

Brad looked between us.

"-Gonna go..."

"Weird day today Brad"

I heard him whisper to himself as he walked out.

"Dude you were actually going to kill me"

"No I wasn't?"




Seriously you're gonna deny it???

Brad was just here????"

He was still smirking.

"You're such an asshole Charley"

"You love me"


No I don't"

I glared at him and threw the pillow at his head.


You know I was just playing.

Forgive me?"


But you're still a dickhead"

"Love you too Trissy"

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