
531 26 43

A/N: 3 updates in one day???? It's like Christmas.


It got quiet for a second.

Artemis was the first to speak.

She stood up.

"Excuse my language everyone,


She turned towards Hephaestus and banged her fist on the table.

More people began standing up and started arguing.

I felt nauseous.

He couldn't do this.

Zeus looked everyone over and started whispering to me.

"Can't his mother take him on?"

I shook my head.

We went over this a thousand times.

She would take on her niece and brad would take on for his father.

That way we still had enough girls in here.

We had to balance that somehow.

My father stood up.

"Calm down everyone"

Some of the gods looked at my father annoyed but everyone sat down eventually.

"Hephaestus, do you have a reason for your change of heart?"

He had thought this through.

I could see it in his eyes.

"I feel like my son isn't ready to lead yet,

I am waiting for a better replacement"

Better replacement my ass.

My fingers started shaking.

I stood up and banged my hands on the table in front of me.

"That's bullshit and you know it,

You're doing this because your son is dating a guy and you can't stand that.

I don't want a homophobic piece of shit at my table"

"Tristan, your language"

I heard my father whisper next to me.

I didn't give two shits about my language right now.

I felt a stand of hair bouncing down on my forehead but I just continued to stare at Hephaestus.

"Do you realise that if you stay you'll have to listen to me"

He wasn't pleased with that at all.

"You'll have to listen to james"

He narrowed his eyes.

"my boyfriend"

He became angry,


"Are you sure you can handle that?"

"If that's what it takes.

You can't force me to leave"

"You're such a piece of shit for a father,

I hope Brad never get's to see you again you dick

I'll make sure he doesn't"

I was so done with this now that I came out from my place and walked towards the door.

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