
502 23 21

A/N: Sorrrrryyyy for not updating.

I had some personal stuff going on.




I heard James quietly say through my door opening.

"Can I come in?"

I laughed a bit from my desk.

"That's the first time you've asked"

He shrugged and came in, holding his guitar behind his back.


I said and stood up from my desk and put down some paperwork.

"Yeah I know, not really what you were expecting today is it?"

He walked toward my bed and sat down on it.

"But I wanted to let you hear something"

I plopped down next to him.

"Sure, shoot away"

I always loved hearing James sing.

He had the voice of an angel.

Well to be precise he had the voice of his father.

Of course he could sing,

He had a lot of other talents too but let's not get into that.

"What's up?"

James raised an eyebrow at me, apparently I was giggling.

"Nothing nothing, let's hear it"

He rolled his eyes and started strumming his guitar.

"Okay promise me not to laugh, I'm still working on this"

I nodded and smiled a bit.

"Okay, umh yeah"

I rolled my eyes and nudged him to go on.

He played a melody for a while that I didn't recognized.

"But do you feel like a young God?

You know the two of us are just young gods

And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath

And they're running, running, running

But do you feel like a young God?

You know the two of us are just young gods

And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath

And they're running, running, running again"

He looked at me through his lashes.

And stopped.

"That's it so far"

I looked at him.

"Did you write this?"

He nodded.

"Oh woah.

Bit cheesy isn't it?"

I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Stop it, it's true isn't it?"

"It is, that's what makes it cheesy.

Wait I have another line"

He placed down his guitar and looked at me with his arms crossed over each other.

"Okay shoot"

I got closer and leaned in.

"Baby if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight"

I whispered in his ear.

I leaned back and saw James bite his lip.

"O my god you're such a...

Teenage boy"

"Hey that's your fault you totally did that on purpose"

Yeah I did.

I smirked at my boyfriend.

"No I didn't"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me down.

"Yeah you did, now shut up"

I was considering taking charge but hey I was lazy so I just let James hover over me and kiss down my neck.


"I love you"

I turned my head to look at James.

That was the first time he said it.

Did it really have to be after sex?

Of course it did, this was James.

The thing is, there was never a reason to say it.

Because we knew.

Of course we both knew.

We were going to rule together for an eternity.

It would be pretty messed up if we weren't soul mates.

"You don't have to say it back, it's okay"

He bit his lip.

I blinked a few times,

I had been in deep thought.

"No don't be like that,

Of course I love you too"

He nodded.

"You really thought I didn't?

I thought you knew"

I leaned on my elbow.

"I knew,

I just,

Needed reassurance?

I don't know.

I just really love you a lot"

I kissed his collarbone.

"I love you too"

"Then what's going on?"

He stared at me.


"Every time I bring it up you talk about something else,

What's going on?"

I sighed looked at the ceiling.

"It's just-

I'm scared"

I felt James fingers trace towards my stomach.

"Of what?"



I'm just scared-

It's all so soon,

And I'm not sure if I can do it.

Hell Charley's already doing a better job than me"

He snaked his arm around me and pulled me towards him.

"It's okay, I got you.

We'll get through it together"

I nodded in his hair and held him close.

"Please don't ever let me do this alone.

I can't"

A/N: Oh hey finally incorparated the song the first story was named after i'm so.

Also i wanted to write smut in this chapter but I didn't but don't worry it's coming *no pun intented*

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