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A/N: So many teen hormones in this chapter oh my.


"Well that was weird..."

I thought out loud as my hands grasped through some grass.


James agreed.

After our weird encounter at medical Connor went with Charley to Smoke and James and I rode towards our little spot in the woods.

"I'm sorry for acting weird"

I let out.

"It's fine, don't worry about it"

James sat down next to me.

"I love you"

He smiled.

"Love you more"


He raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna go there?"

He laughed.

"Because I love youuuu more"

I couldn't help but smile.

I wanted to say something back but James already attacked me.


I soon let out as his fingers hit my sides.

"Admit that I love you more"

"Seriously, you aren't making any sense"

He pouted and I went to kiss him but he leaned back.

"Don't be like that Jems"

"Admit that I love you more"

Seriously, that boy.

"Okay you love me more than I love you"

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Seriously that made you happy?"


I wanted to kiss him again but he sat up on my lap and started giggling.

"Hey wanna bet that I can get Charley to give Connor a boner?"

My mouth made an o form.

"You're horrible"

I thought it over.

"Bet's on though, Brad will be pissed if that happens and Connor knows that.

He won't"

James stood up and went to grab my hand.


I whined out and dragged him to the ground again.

"I wasn't done yet"

I turned us over so I was hovering over James and went to suck a hickey in his neck.

James let out a strangled breathe as I started working on his collarbone.

Soon his hand gripped my hair and I couldn't help but smile.

That was until he flipped us over again and started grinding down on me."

"You really thought you could take control like that didn't you babe?"

He whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but whimper.

With my last strand of confidence I spoke out

"Can't help it that you're so hot baby"

James groaned and ripped off my shirt.

"Aw seriously Jems, I loved that shirt"

I wimpered.

"Shut up"

He tugged at my hair a bit and bit down on my neck.

I couldn't help but buck up my hips to create some friction between us.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't even remember that anyone else exists"

Wait was he talking about Charley?


"What's up with the torso's man,

Some kind of anti-shirt rule I didn't know about?"

Charley spoke as we joined dinner.

Not my fault that James ripped my shirt off.

"Actually yeah we're gonna start a new club.

No shirts aloud.

You should join"

His eyes flicked between Charley's and mine and he shot me a quick wink.

This was totally part of his plan to give Connor a boner.

I knew it.

But I couldn't lose so I quickly sat down between them and stole some food from Connor's plate to distract him.

Charley laughed and shrugged while taking off his shirt.

"Why not"

I quickly snatched the shirt from Charley's hands and put it on.

"Thanks mate"

I saw Connor glance at Charley very quickly and smacked him slightly across the head.

"Stop it Con"

I whispered and he quickly moved further into Brad's embrace who was too busy talking to Mel to notice anything going on.

This was going to be a long night.

James seemed death set on winning this bet.

But so was I.

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