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A/N: Sorry I had a long week, I had to buy concert tickets butttttt!!!!! I got them!!!!! I'm Going to see Halsey, Twenty One Pilots and The Vamps!!!.

Also I changed my twitter to GayMcvey why did I do that??? Idk



I said as I popped my head around the entrance to medical.

Connor was sat next to Brad who was sitting up on a bed, carefully looking at his hand.


Connor called out and I entered the room with Charley behind me.

"Connor, this is Charley"

Connor turned towards us and almost fell out of his chair.

Brad glared at Connor as Connor looked Charley over.



Con finally said and walked towards Charley to shake his hand.

"Brad, Charley, you guys have already met"

Brad huffed and nodded while crossing his arms.


"Not my fault he's clearly stealing my boyfriend"

"Wait what"

"Babe don't"

Charley and Connor brought out at the same time.

"I'm not trying to steal anyone's boyfriend, I'm not even into dudes"

I knew this of course.

1, I always knew.

2, have you even been paying attention last chapter?

He's clearly got a thing going on with Mel.

Moving on,

"Where's Jems?"

I asked.

"I'd never leave you"

Connor whispered out.

Seriously, moving on,

"Guys talking about boyfriends, where's mine?"

"Oh he said he's be back in a minute"

So the awkward silence began.

It wasn't too bad...

For me.

Connor prob drew the shortest end.

He was clearly uncomfortable and shifted towards Brad as much as he could.

He took his hand between his own two and started playing with his boyfriend's fingers.


Charley brought out.

"Why are you all so gay?"

I glared at him and shoved his shoulder a bit.

"No seriously"

He laughed.

"Idk sort seeks sort I guess"

I shrugged.

Luckily James walked in through the backroom with some tea.

"Seriously we've been waiting here for you to return and you, you just went to get some tea?"

Apparently I startled him because he dropped his cup and started cursing.

"Well clearly I don't have tea anymore so that was all for nothing"

He looked at the ground irritated and took off him shirt to clean the tea from the ground.

It got quiet again as he got down on the ground.

I was checking him out and I guess there was still this tension between the rest of the guys

James looked up and glared around.

"What's going on?"

His eyes landed on Charley.

"Hey Char"

He smiled and got up to give him a hug.

Now it was my turn to tense up.

This whole thing was ridiculous, I shouldn't be jealous.

Brad and Connor shouldn't have this massive glare off between each other.

Maybe getting Charley down here wasn't the best idea after all.

What was this even?

We were like girls on our period.

Thirsty for new dick.

This hug was lasting a bit to long for my liking.

I coughed.

James pulled back and I kissed him.

I don't even know why.

Charley wasn't gay.

This tension had to go.

Yet I was doing nothing about it.

Why wasn't I doing anything? 

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