
390 17 6

A/N: Hello, it's me.

I haven't died yet.


Sorry for the late update, i'm having writers block.

Also I started a new story called The Dark Part, which is up on my wattpad, it's bronnor so check it out.



My head shot up as I heard Mel's voice.

She stood up and ran to the girl at the edge of camp.

I was just walking with Charley towards Mel.

Mainly because I wanted to bring the two of them together.

Mainly because I wanted the drama between James, Brad, Connor and me to stop.

I had completely forgotten that Brynn was coming back today.

Which also meant that Mel was leaving tomorrow.

Luckily Charley was leaving in 3 days too.

Not that I don't liked having him around.

He had been causing a bit of a stir that's all.

I wished I could just go one day without any drama.

Mel let go of Brynn and came sprinting towards us.

"Hey Char"

She beamed.

Okay maybe this could work after all.

"Sooooo I was thinking"

She started.

"Us, duel, right here right now"

Of course.

Of course she just.

My turn.

"Wait, That's my shirt"

I pointed towards Charley's chest.

"I don't want it to get ripped or anything"

He shrugged and took it off.

"Fine, you're going down tho Mel,

I practiced"

She laughed.

"You better have yeah, I deserve a fair fight for once"


Brynn added to the conversation.

"Sorry Brynn"

Mel exclaimed.

I saw her checking out Charley for a brief second.



Needless to say, Mel won.

But barely this time,

Which was weird.

The duel lasted about 15 minutes,

Which was odd.

I could see Mel struggling,

But thinking about it Charley may have just distracted her.

Which is good.

So afterwards I left them, going away with the excuse that James needed me.

They deserved some time alone.

So I went to James.

Of course.



I said as I entered medical.

James turned around immediately and smiled

"Well hello"

He started to walk towards me.

I couldn't help but smile.

He just made me like that.

He greeted me with a kiss.

"So Charley's with Mel right now"

I exclaimed.

James looked at me with cocked eyebrows.

"Didn't know you were playing cupido today"

I shrugged and smiled.

It became that awkward kind of silent.

I chose to be the one to break it.

"So, luckily he's leaving in a few days"

James looked at me for a second.

"And you're happy about that?"

Of course I was,

I mean I love him like a brother but I hate drama.

"Yeah, he's causing drama"

James bit his lip for a second.

"Yeah but that's not his fault"

James was right.

Looking back, I can't think of anything that Charley has done wrong.

"Who's fault is it anyways.."

I started wondering out loud.

We looked at each other for a second.


We spoke out together.

"You too a bit"

James added.

That startled me.

"What? Why?"

I asked.

"Well you

I don't know really,

You seemed jealous?"

I didn't respond.

He grabbed me by my waist.

"You know there's nothing to be jealous about right?

I love you Tris"

He started rubbing circles on my hip.

"I really do"

I leaned in.

"How about you prove it to me"

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