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"Hey Con, can I borrow James for a minute?"

James and I had gotten back to camp at around dinner time so we sat down at the fire next to Brad and Connor and started eating right away.

Afterwards James went with Connor and I headed towards my cabin.

I figured I could just chill for a second but Ale soon enough came in with a message from my father.

So here I was, at James cabin.

"Yeah sure"

James stood up and walked outside with me.

"What's going on babe?"

"Dad wants me to come up for a meeting tomorrow"


You just went yesterday"

He pouted a bit.

He hated it when I left.

I hated leaving too.

But I had to.

"Yeah, but it's the final meeting about the take-over"

"So I figure you want me to look after camp?"

I slowly moved my hand towards James abs where I traveled it up and down them.


He rolled his eyes but I could feel him tense up underneath my touch.


But if you're leaving tomorrow then I wanna stay at your place tonight"

I let out a sure and James went back in his cabin to tell Connor that he was headed out for the night.

"You're not gonna bring a shirt?"

I asked when James walked back out again empty handed.

"Don't need one"

James had this habit of walking around shirtless.

It's not that I minded,

I mean he looked amazing.

It's the fact that I wasn't the only one thinking that.

So I'd rather not have his body on display for everyone else to see.

He was mine after all.

"Hey babe"

He snapped his fingers at me.

"Eyes are up here"

Fuck I was staring again.

I blinked and looked up at him.

He just laughed and snaked his arm around my waist.

We walked back towards my cabin and with every step I could feel myself get more fiddly.

James just smirked and swept me up as we got closer.

I let out a surprised sound.

"So babe,

Anything special you want to do tonight?"

He walked through the door and slowly placed me down.

"I actually have two things in mind"

He raised his eyebrow.

"Two, are you feeling energetic tonight?"

I let out a giggle.

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