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A/N: Sorrrrrryyyyyyy sorry sorry sorry for not updating.

I had writers block.

his chapter was supposed to have smut in it but I just couldn't write it.



James was already awake when I started to open my eyes.


He brought out and turned his head towards me.

"Love you"

He greeted me with a kiss,

Which I happily accepted.


I whispered out and moved to lay on his chest.

I enjoyed the silence for a moment, just me, James.

And Ale,

Who sat at the end of my bed and put his head on it.

"When did he walk in?"

I asked and turned my head to James who shrugged and petted the wolf.

"He was here when I woke up so somewhere between when we went to bed and this morning"

"Why didn't he stay with Con"

Ale laid his ears back and started crying softly.

I shot up in defense.

"Did something happen to him?"

James just laughed.

"Chill babe,

I guess we weren't the only ones getting it on"


He smiled and kissed my neck.

"Which reminds me,

Our anniversary is coming up"

I groaned out and ran a hand through my hair.

"Shit I totally forgot"

I searched my brain for the date we got together.

James opened his mouth but I just shushed him as I did some math.

"3 weeks away right?"

He nodded.

"Anything you wanna do for it?"

I was busy enough as it was.

I mean I loved James but we would have many years to come to celebrate.

But then again this was our first year.

One year already.

Time passed by way too quickly.

"Can we just sneak out and spend the day in the woods?

Something simple.

Just us, being together would be nice"

He smiled and kissed my temple

"Sure babe"

"So, plans for today?"

He stretched out.

"Visiting Smoke, do my normal rounds, check up on Mel, get everything ready for Char.

And you are needed in medical, as usual.

I can probably come by today"

He nodded.

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